Essay : Topics

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Revenge is a Kind of Wild Justice

 “Revenge is a kind of wild Justice,” explain it. Francis Bacon's (1561-1626) essay "Of Revenge" (1625) begins with the remarkable statement, "Revenge...Continue

Write a short note on aphorism

Write a short note on aphorism.  In the vast landscape of literature, aphorisms flash like gems. It highlights profound wisdom in straightforward...Continue

Why do people get fascinated by telling lies?

Why do people get fascinated by telling lies? Lies have a strange attraction that often fascinates people. Despite the value of truth,...Continue

Write a Short note on Addison’s humor

Write a short note on Addison's humor.  Joseph Addison (1672-1719) was an influential English essayist, poet, playwright, and politician. He is best...Continue

How did Will Honeycomb Entertain Women?

How did Will Honeycomb entertain women? In Richard Steele's (1671-1729) portrayal of Will Honeycomb from The Spectator Club, Honeycomb is depicted as...Continue

How does Steele Portray the Character of the Clergyman?

How does Steele portray the character of the clergyman? Richard Steele (1671-1729) portrays the clergyman in "The Spectator Club" as a figure...Continue

Joseph Addison’s Education from “The Spectator’s Account of Himself”

What do you know about Joseph Addison's education from “The Spectator's Account of Himself?”  "The Spectator's Account of Himself" (1/3/1711) by Joseph...Continue

Bacon’s Concept of Truth

Describe Bacon's concept of truth. Francis Bacon (1561-1626) is a renowned philosopher and essayist of the 17th century. He presented his concept...Continue

How Can a Man Having a Family Lead a Peaceful and Disciplined life?

 How can a man having a family lead a peaceful and disciplined life? Having a family brings both challenges and joy. It...Continue

How Does Love Degrade a Human Being?

How does love degrade a human being? In Francis Bacon's (1561-1626) "Of Love," he discusses how love can degrade a human being...Continue

Unmarried Men are Best friends, Best Masters, Best Servants;

"Unmarried men are best friends, best masters, best servants; but not always best subjects."-Justify.  Or, How do you justify that an unmarried...Continue

How has Addison depicted the 18th-century social picture

Discuss “The Coverley Papers” as the precursor of the English novel. Or, How has Addison depicted the 18th-century social picture in “The...Continue

Sir Roger as a Fascinating and Humorous Character

Discuss Sir Roger as a fascinating and humorous character.  Sir Roger de Coverley is one of the most memorable and charming characters...Continue

Addison’s Prose Style

Write an essay on Addison's prose style. Or, “Addison uses irony as a stylistic device” explain it.  Joseph Addison (1672-1719), a renowned...Continue

Renaissance Elements from Bacon’s Essay

Bring out the influence of the Renaissance on Bacon with special reference to his essays.  Or Bring out the Renaissance elements from...Continue

Bacon as a Moral and Utilitarian Philosopher

Discuss Francis Bacon as a moral and utilitarian philosopher based on your reading of his essays.  Francis Bacon (1561-1626) is the most...Continue

Bacon’s Prose Style

Comment on Bacon's use of allusions and imagery with illustrations from his essays.  Or, Give an account of Bacon's prose style.  Or,...Continue

Bacon as an Essayist

Consider Bacon as an essayist.  Or, Consider Bacon as an essayist with special reference to his essays you have studied.  Or, Assess...Continue

Short Note on Sir Roger de Coverley in The Spectator.

Sir Roger de Coverley is a fictional character. He appeared in the work of British authors Joseph Addison and Richard Steele in...Continue