Language : Topics

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What is ‘Post Method Pedagogy’?

What is ‘Post Method Pedagogy’? Discuss the strategic framework proposed by B. Kumaravadivelu.  Post-Method Pedagogy emerged as a response to the dissatisfaction...Continue

Define Linguistic Imperialism.

Define linguistic imperialism. Discuss the role of English Language Teaching in Linguistic Imperialism.  Robert Phillipson popularized the concept in his 1992 book...Continue

A Historical Overview of Language Teaching Methodology

Give a historical overview of Language Teaching Methodology.  Language teaching methods have changed a lot over time. These changes reflect new ideas...Continue

What Are the Key Features and Techniques of the ‘Direct Method’?

What are the key features and techniques of the ‘Direct Method’? What are its advantages and limitations?  The Direct Method is a...Continue

Grammar Translation Method, Focusing on its Pain Principles, Weaknesses, and Strengths.

Evaluate the Grammar Translation method, focusing on its main principles, weaknesses, and strengths.  The Grammar Translation Method (GTM) is one of the...Continue

‘Reform Movement’ in the History of English Language Teaching,

Evaluate the ‘Reform Movement’ in the history of English Language Teaching, focusing on the principles of the  ‘Reform Movement’.  The Reform Movement...Continue

Five Hypotheses of ‘Krashen’s Monitor Model.’

Discuss and evaluate the five hypotheses of ‘Krashen’s Monitor Model.’  Stephen Krashen proposed the Monitor Model in the 1970s and 1980s. It...Continue

What is ‘Situational Language Teaching (SLT)’?

What is ‘Situational Language Teaching (SLT)’? or, Discuss the approach, design, and procedures of Situational Language Teaching.  Situational Language Teaching (SLT) is...Continue

Behaviorist Theory and the Mentalist Theory of L1 Acquisition

Make a comparative study of the Behaviorist Theory and the mentalist Theory of L1 Acquisition.  Language acquisition has two main theories. The...Continue

Structural, Functional, and Interactional Views of Language

Discuss structural, functional, and interactional views of language.  Language is a structured system of communication that consists of grammar and vocabulary. The...Continue

What Do You Mean By Language Learning Strategies?

What do you mean by language learning strategies?  Language learning strategies refer to specific techniques, actions, or behaviours. Learners use these strategies...Continue

The Major Techniques and Strategies of Developing Vocabularies

Discuss the major techniques and strategies of developing vocabularies.  Building a good vocabulary is essential for effective communication. Many simple strategies help...Continue

What are the Purposes of Teaching Vocabulary?

What are the purposes of teaching vocabulary?  Vocabulary is the foundation of any language. It plays a crucial role in effective communication....Continue

Distinguish Between ‘Intensive’ and ‘Extensive’ Reading.

Distinguish between ‘Intensive’ and ‘extensive’ reading.  Reading is a crucial skill in language learning. It can be approached in different ways depending...Continue

What is Meant by “Tissue Rejection in Language Teaching Methodology?”

What is meant by “tissue rejection in language teaching methodology?”  Adrian Holliday introduced the concept of tissue rejection in language teaching methodology...Continue

What is a Contextual Approach to Teaching’?

What is a contextual approach to teaching’? How does it affect pedagogy?  A contextual approach to teaching is a method that connects...Continue

What is Meant by ‘Post Method Pedagogy’?

What is meant by ‘Post Method Pedagogy’?  Post-Method Pedagogy is an approach to language teaching. It emerged as a response to the...Continue

Write About ‘Task-Based Language Teaching.’

Write about ‘Task-based Language Teaching.’  “Task-Based Language Teaching” (TBLT) is a teaching approach that focuses on using tasks to learn a language....Continue

What Are the Principles of CLT?

What are the principles of CLT?  The “Communicative Language Teaching” (CLT) approach is based on several core principles emphasizing communication, interaction, and...Continue

What Are the Roles of a Teacher in CLT?

What are the roles of a teacher in CLT?  In the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach, the teacher’s role is vital in...Continue

Teaching Techniques Used in the ‘Audio-Lingual-Method.’

Mention the common teaching techniques used in the ‘Audio-Lingual-Method.’   The “Audio Lingual Method” is one of the earliest and most established methods...Continue

Differences Between the ‘Audio-Lingual-Method’ and the ‘Direct Method’

What are the fundamental differences between the ‘Audio-Lingual-Method’ and the ‘Direct Method’?   The Audio-Lingual Method (ALM) and the Direct Method (DM) are...Continue

What Are the Basic Differences between CLT and GTM?

What are the basic differences between CLT and GTM?   Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and Grammar Translation Method (GTM) are two popular approaches...Continue

What Are the Goals of the ‘Grammar Translation Method’?

What are the goals of the ‘Grammar Translation Method’? The Grammar Translation Method (GTM) is a traditional approach to language teaching. It...Continue

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