Write a Note on the Character of the Duke

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My Last Duchess is a notable literary work by Robert Browning. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of My Last Duchess.


Write a note on the character of the Duke. 

Or, What kind of man was the Duke of the poem “My Last Duchess?”

In Robert Browning’s (1812-1889) poem “My Last Duchess,” (1842), the character of the Duke of Ferrara is portrayed as a complex and controlling aristocrat. His portrayal reveals his inner thoughts and attitudes towards his late wife, the Duchess. Here are key points that define the Duke’s character:

Arrogance and Sense of Superiority: The Duke reveals an air of arrogance and superiority throughout the poem. He begins by proudly showing off the portrait of his dead Duchess. It emphasizes its lifelike quality and the skill of the painter, Fra Pandolf. He states, 

That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall,

Looking as if she were alive.

It indicates not only his ownership of the painting but also of the Duchess herself. His use of “my” repeatedly highlights his possessive nature. This reveals his belief in his entitlement to control both the portrait and his wife’s memory.

Jealousy and Controlling Nature: The Duke’s jealousy and need for control over the Duchess’s affections are evident. He criticizes her for being too easily pleased and for smiling at everyone equally. He remarks, 

She had

A heart—how shall I say?— too soon made glad,

Too easily impressed;

It suggests that her friendly behaviour was a threat to his possessiveness. 

Materialism and Lack of Empathy: The Duke’s attitude towards the Duchess reveals his materialistic view of marriage and relationships. He discusses her appreciation of gifts. It includes his family name and expensive artworks, with a sense of disgust. He complains that she did not value his gifts and status above others’. This reveals his inability to empathize with her mood or emotions. 

In conclusion, the Duke of Ferrara in Browning’s poem is depicted as a proud and controlling aristocrat. His character reveals his possessive nature, jealousy, and materialistic views on relationships. His obsession with power and status leads to the tragic demise of his wife.