Death of A Salesman : Summary

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Death of A Salesman is a notable literary work by Arthur Miller. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of Death of A Salesman.


The present situation of Willy Loman and his sons: At the beginning of this tragedy, Brooklyn resident Willy Loman is shown. He is a salesman by profession. This time he came home early and returned penniless. Because he could not make many sales this time. So he didn’t get paid. With the few commissions he got, he somehow managed. His elder son Biff and younger son Happy also returned home. Biff has worked at different firms, but this time he wants to do something new. And Happy works as an assistant. He likes to make up and talk more. He used to take bribes from his subordinates and had illicit relations with the wives of his bosses and others.

In short, whatever few good qualities Willy had, his eldest son, Biff, inherited. And whatever bad qualities he had; his younger son Happy got. Willy loved to fantasize. He remembered his past words repeatedly. He was a hero to his sons during their childhood. As he ponders these, his wife, Linda, asks him about this time’s sales. It also says that this time’s bills are pending. Then Willy tells her that this time the situation is very bad. This time he didn’t get paid. Only got some commission money. Then his wife assured him that there no problem we can continue with this money. Willy then remembers his youth. He had an illicit relationship with a woman.

Willy also wondered why he was not successful as a salesman. Anyway, Willie talks to his boss about taking his posting to New York, near his home. By doing this, he will be able to continue roughly according to his current salary.

Willy’s Meeting with Charlie: Then one of Willy’s neighbors comes to visit him. This man’s name is Charlie. He is a friend of Willy Loman. Charlie is a successful businessman. And his son Bernard was a good student. She studied with Willie’s son Biff. Currently, Bernard is a lawyer by profession. But none of Willie’s sons succeeded. So Charlie and Willy start playing cards.

Willy’s imagination about Ben: Later, while playing cards, Willy thinks about his dead brother Ben. Ben left home at the age of 17. He worked in diamond mines in Africa. So today he is one of the richest people in America. Here Willy compares himself to his brother and thinks of himself as a failure.

While playing cards, Charlie understands Willy’s state of mind. That’s why he offers Willy to work under him. But Willie was a bit of a braggart. So, he refused to work under his friend. Meanwhile, Willie’s wife, Linda, tells her sons that their father is not doing well. He has tried to commit suicide twice before. So, she tells her two sons to talk to their father.

Failure of fathers and sons: Biff’s Plan: Biff, Willy’s eldest son, says that this time he will meet his boss, Bill Oliver, and borrow some money from him. And with that money, he and his younger brother Happy will start a children’s sports goods business. Willy was very happy to hear his son had such a plan.

Willy and Biff’s failure: Meanwhile, Willy goes to his boss Howard, and tells him about his transfer. But his boss did not agree. Willy then told him that he had been working as a salesman under their company since his father’s time. So why will he not be given this advantage? His boss Howard got even more angry with him for saying this and fired him. Meanwhile, Biff also returns without receiving money from his boss.

Father and son get together at dinner and talk: The three fathers and sons then get together at Frank’s Chop House for dinner. Before Willy arrives, Biff tells his younger brother, Happy, that he failed to borrow money from his boss. A little later when Willy comes there, he also says that he has been fired from his job. This is where Willy and his eldest son Biff begin to argue.

Willy’s Repentance Remembering the Past: They walk away angrily. After coming from there, Willy thinks that his eldest son, Biff, could not succeed in life and graduate. The reason for this is that Willy keeps thinking about the past. In fact, while Willie was doing very well as a salesman in the past, he had a girlfriend besides his wife Linda. One day at the hotel, Biff finds Willy and his girlfriend in a bad state. From then on, Biff’s hatred for his father began to grow. But before that, he considered his father a hero. Thinking about this, Willy began to suffer.

Willy’s Hallucination: Biff and Happy then come home. Their mother Linda scolds them for leaving their father alone. After a while, Willy is seen planting some seeds for a backyard garden. While doing this, he imagines talking to his dead brother Ben. In fact, Ben was repeatedly hallucinating Willy Loman. So Ben tells him the current value of his life insurance is $20,000.

Realizing Willy’s Lifelong Mistake: Willy then comes into the house and has an argument with his older son, Biff. Biff says, he will leave this house. In fact, his father used to show their two brothers very big dreams. But it did not guide them or work for them accordingly. In fact, Biff is very distressed by this thought and goes to his room and starts crying loudly. Hearing Biff’s cry, Willy realizes his mistake and is also hurt.

Willy’s suicide: Willy then thinks that if he commits suicide, his sons will receive $20,000 of his life insurance. This will enable his sons to start their business. And the financial condition of the family will improve. Willie was a salesman by profession. All his life he traveled around selling goods. Now he is selling his life for money. When everyone fell asleep for the night, Willy slowly walked to his car. Then he intentionally committed suicide in a car accident.

Everyone’s Comments on Willy Loman’s American Dream: Willy’s funeral was attended by his neighbor Charlie, his son Barnard, and many others. Everyone was talking about Willy’s thoughts. Willie’s American Dream was such that it was very easy to succeed. It doesn’t take much hard work or study to be successful. He used to imagine and think that everything will be as easy as imagined. But in the end, Willy had to sacrifice his own life to remove the financial distress of his family.