"Don Juan Canto-I" is a notable literary work by Lord Byron. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts,
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Notes, and various study materials of "Don Juan Canto-I".

What do you know about Donne Inez’s education in Don Juan Canto-1?
Don Juan Canto-1 (1819) is a satirical poem by Lord Byron (1788 – 1824). In this poem, Donna Inez is portrayed as a highly educated woman. Again, she is characterized by her intelligence, wit, and scholarly pursuits. Here are points highlighting her education from Don Juan Canto 1:
Intellectual Power: Donna Inez is depicted as a woman of immense intelligence and learning. She is a learned lady. She is supposed to know every branch of science. Byron describes her as,
a learned lady, famed for every branch
Of every science.
This portrayal emphasizes her extensive knowledge across various fields of study.
Classical Influence: Her education appears heavily influenced by classical literature and knowledge. Though she knew Latin, Greek, and French, she was quite aware of her native Spanish Language. Byron says about her,
She knew the Latin—that is, ‘the Lord’s prayer,’
And Greek—the alphabet—I ‘m nearly sure;
Fond of Mathematics: Donna Inez is fond of Mathematics. So, she is called a walking calculator. Byron says about her that,
Her favourite science was the mathematical,
Throughout the poem, Donna Inez stands out for her wisdom and commitment to shaping her son’s character through education and moral guidance.
Byron paints Donna Inez as a woman ahead of her time. She challenges societal norms by embodying intelligence and scholarly pursuits traditionally associated with men. Her character serves as a contrast to the societal expectations of women in the era.