Frost is a storyteller of New England- Explain

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After Apple-Picking is a notable literary work by Robert Frost. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the main text, key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary Devices, Quotations, Notes, to various questions of After Apple-Picking.


“Frost is a storyteller of New England” comment on the statement.

Robert Frost (1874-1963) is a masterful New England storyteller. His ability to capture the essence of the region is evident in several of his iconic poems, including “After Apple Picking,” “The Birches,” “The Death of the Hired Man,” and “The Road Not Taken.” In these poems, Frost weaves complicated narratives deeply rooted in New England’s landscapes, people, and experiences.

Landscape as a Character: In “After Apple Picking,” Frost skillfully employs the New England landscape as a character itself. He vividly describes the apple orchard, the ladder, and the apples as he reflects on the exhaustion of apple picking. He writes,

I feel the ladder sway as the boughs bend” and “Essence of winter sleep is on the night.

These descriptions set the scene and produce a sense of place quintessentially New England. The poem’s landscape becomes a canvas upon which the story develops. It engages the reader in the beauty and hardships of rural life.

Childhood Nostalgia and Imagination:Birches” delves into nostalgia and imagination. Frost writes,

I’d like to get away from earth awhile
And then come back to it and begin over.

He uses the imagery of birch trees bending under ice storms to evoke memories of his own childhood in New England. Through these trees, he weaves a tale of escapism and the desire to return to a simpler, more innocent time. The New England setting is integral to this narrative, as the birch trees symbolize the region’s natural beauty.

Human Relationships and Rural Life:The Death of the Hired Man” explores human relationships’ complexities, particularly in rural New England life. The poem centers on the conflict between the farmer, Warren, and his former hired hand, Silas. Frost writes,

Home is the place where, when you have to go there,
They have to take you in.

Through this narrative, Frost paints a poignant picture of the rural community’s sense of duty and the bonds that tie them together. The New England setting serves as a background to this story. It emphasizes the importance of place in shaping these relationships.

Choices and Paths in “The Road Not Taken”:The Road Not Taken” is one of Frost’s most famous poems. The poem embodies the idea of choice and consequence. The poem’s speaker reflects on a moment when they had to choose between two diverging paths in the woods. Frost writes,

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less travelled by.

This narrative of choices and their lifelong effect resounds deeply with readers, and the New England woods are an integral part of the poem’s setting. Frost’s use of the forest as a metaphor for life’s choices is enriched by the natural beauty of New England’s landscapes.

Narrative Technique and Conversational Style: Throughout these poems, Frost’s narrative technique and conversational style contribute to his storytelling prowess. He writes in a way that makes the reader feel like they are conversing with the speaker. For example, in “The Road Not Taken,” he writes,

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence.

This conversational tone allows readers to connect with the stories and characters personally. This enhances the impact of the narratives.

In conclusion, Robert Frost’s ability to tell thrilling stories of New England is masterfully demonstrated in his poems. Through rich descriptions of the landscape and his unique narrative style, Frost brings the core of New England to life in his poetry. His storytelling skills not only entertain but also provide readers with a deep understanding of the region’s culture, people, and way of life.