Holy Thursday (Song of Experience) : Summary

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Holy Thursday (Song of Experience) is a notable literary work by William Blake. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of Holy Thursday (Song of Experience).


In this poem, William Blake alludes to Ascension Day, Holy Thursday. On this day, the city’s poor children are gathered at St. Joins Paul’s Cathedral. 

The Situation of the Children: They perform the prayer music prescribed by the church. According to Blake, this is not a prayer but the cry of these children. The poet criticizes the situation of why children are poor. He asserts that the authority put them in this situation. True Sense of Richness: He talks about the richness of his country. He thinks his country will not be rich until the children are happy. He talks about the authority of the children. They should take care of them. He thinks the sun and the field will be good if the children are treated well. By this, the country can be rich in the true sense. Through this poem, the author urges us to consider what contribution charitable institutions like churches make to poor children.