Troilus and Criseyde is a notable literary work by Geoffrey Chaucer. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of Troilus and Criseyde.
How did Troilus’s life come to an end?
Or, Write a note on the last days of Troilus’s life.
Chaucer’s (1340-1400) “Troilus and Criseyde” (1385) is a tragic poem. The poem unfolds in the context of the Trojan War. Troilus is a Trojan prince and a proud knight. He has spent the happiest life being acquainted with Criseyde. But his sufferings started after the departure of Criseyde from Troy to the Greek camp. The last days of Troilus’s life are marked by emotional turmoil and devastating events. Let us describe the situation.
Miserable Days of Troilus’s Life: Human is the subject of change. Criseyde promised that she would come back to Troilus within ten days. But she proved her promise false. She never returns. So, Troilus becomes so much sad, and he passes ten days of anxiety. His heart wept secretly.
On the ninth night, Troilus becomes anxious. He hopes for Criseyde’s return in the morning. He did not sleep that night. Finally, on the tenth day, Criseyde did not return. So, Troilus gets broken and bursts into tears. But he did not lose hope. He was hoping for Criseyde’s return, though Criseyde did not keep her promise.
Heartbreaking dream of Troilus: One night, Troilus dreamt that a boar had tightly enfolded Criseyde in his arms. Criseyde was frequently kissing the boar. Chaucer remarks,
And by this boor, faste in his armes folde,
Lay kissing ay his lady bright Criseyde:
Then Troilus went to Cassandra and told her about his dream. Cassandra interprets that Criseyde is in love with Diomede. But Troilus did not believe her interpretation. Later on, he wrote many passionate letters to Criseyde. Criseyde also answered those letters. It shows her extreme passion.
Betrayal of Criseyde: One day, Troilus becomes shocked at getting the brooch on the coat of Diomede. He gave it to Criseyde as a token of his love. He snatched away the brooch from Diomede. Troilus realizes that he has lost Criseyde forever. She will never come back. This covered his mind with sorrows. Troilus says,
My lady bright Criseyde hath me bitrayed,
In whom I trusted most of any wight,
Troilus gave up hope in life. So, he started to fight against the Greeks violently. He decides to face Diomede on the battlefield. It leads to a fatal fight with Achilles, and he slays Troilus.
Thus, Troilus’s life comes to an end. He meets with death as a prize for his false love.