On His Blindness is a notable literary work by John Milton. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts,
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How does Milton Hope to Serve God in On His Blindness?
John Milton’s (1608-74) sonnet “On His Blindness” (1673) shows his deep faith in God. The poem shows his struggle with blindness. It also delivers his desire to serve God. He feels worried about losing his sight, but he learns to trust God’s plan. Milton understands that serving God is not limited to doing great works. Even patience and acceptance are ways to serve Him (God).
Serving Through Talents: Milton believes that he has a God-given talent for writing. He wants to use it to glorify God. But his blindness makes him feel helpless. He worries that he is failing in his duty to serve God. This makes him question the purpose of his life.
Fulfilling God’s Expectations: Milton wonders if God expects work from those who face challenges. He asks,
Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?
This shows his fear of being unable to meet God’s expectations. He feels torn between his limitations and his strong desire to serve.
Patience as Service: The voice of Patience calms his worries. It reminds him that God does not need human effort or gifts. Instead, God values those who patiently accept His will. Milton learns that trusting and bearing life’s burdens is also a way of serving.
Waiting as Service: Milton ends the sonnet by saying,
They also serve those who only stand and wait.
He realizes that even waiting and having faith is valuable to God. Through patience and trust, Milton believes he can still serve, even without sight.
Milton learns that serving God is not about doing great things. It is about faith, patience, and accepting life as it comes. This message makes the poem inspiring for everyone.