An Apology for Poetry is a notable literary work by Philip Sidney. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of An Apology for Poetry.
How does Sidney establish the poet’s superiority over Philosophers and Historians? Or How, according to Sidney, is the poet similar to and different from the philosopher? Or How does Sidney establish the superiority of poetry over Philosophy and History?
Sir Philip Sydney (1554-1586) was a critical poet who established the poet’s superiority and showed that poets are superior to philosophers and historians. In “Apology for Poetry” (1595), Sydney defends the poets from the attack of Puritan writers. Defending the poetry and poets, Sydney has represented the utmost honor and respect to the poets.
Manner of Teaching: According to Sydney, the manner of teaching is different for poets, historians, and philosophers. History teaches us about past events, and the philosopher provides virtual facts. But the poet is supreme in his way of teaching. They provided knowledge through delight. Sydney claims that a philosopher makes his subject matter too difficult to understand. One must need an assistant to understand the philosophy. Poetry has a universal appeal and capacity to teach virtue. Sometimes, poets have upheld popular philosophic statements and historical truth. Poets are capable of teaching philosophy and history through their poetry, so the superiority of poets is obtained by poetry.
For conclusion I say the philosopher teacheth , but he teacheth obscurely, so as the learned only can understand him; that is to say, he teacheth them that are already taught
Source of Knowledge: Poetry is the storehouse of knowledge. It is a great source of knowledge. According to Sydney, poets are the first light-giver to ignorant people. He also informs that the development of other tough and rather dull branches of knowledge has happened only through the delectable aid of poetry. In Greek mythology, the Delphic oracle is delivered by verse. From this point of view, we can say in accordance with Sydney. Poetry is the more rectified branch of knowledge.
Power of Imagination: Sydney utters that poetry is an art of imagination. Poetry, like all other arts, imitates nature. For example, S.T. Coleridge’s poetry, Kubla Khan, is a great example of the imagination of art. Throughout the poetry, the poet has shown his power of imagination.
That imitation whereof poetry is hath the most conveniency to nature of all others
Gateway of Creation: Poets are considered the house of suggestive and philosophical views, and poetry is a gateway to this house. Poets are superior to historians and philosophers. The moral philosopher deals with man’s natural virtues, vices, and passions. The historian deals with what man has done. But the poet is a maker, a creator in the real sense of the term. So, while the other art is tied to nature, the poet is not a slave to nature. He creates something new and new suggestively.
Poetry is of all human learning the most ancient and of most fatherly antiquity as from whence other learning’s have taken their beginnings
Supremacy of Excellence: Poetry is the supreme art of human civilization. By creating new and newer poetry, poets have shown their excellence in the art. Sydney says:
The poet is, indeed, the right popular philosopher.
A wide range of poetry deals with philosophical morals. Sometimes, poets deal with historical allusions. Sydney probes that Poets are created of their own supremacy and show their own excellence.
In termination, we may conclude that in his literary criticism, Sydney established the poet’s superiority over the philosopher and the historian based on the universality of poets.