How Was Gregor Treated When all the Members of his Family Were Forced to Work?

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The Metamorphosis is a notable literary work by Franz Kafka. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of The Metamorphosis.


How was Gregor treated when all the members of his family were forced to work? 

Franz Kafka’s (1883-1924) “The Metamorphosis” (1915) is often viewed as a cynical exploration of modern life and human relationships. After Gregor’s transformation, the financial burden shifts to the rest of the Samsa family, forcing them all to work. This change significantly impacts how they treat Gregor.

Growing Neglect and Carelessness: With each family member busy and exhausted from their jobs, their care and attention towards Gregor gradually diminish. Initially, Grete takes responsibility for feeding him and cleaning his room, but as time passes, she becomes increasingly neglectful.

Loss of Consideration: The once-considerate gestures give way to carelessness; Grete now rushes through her tasks without regard for Gregor’s comfort. Grete starts feeding him hastily and stops noticing what he prefers to eat. This shift in attitude reflects how Gregor’s presence becomes more of a burden than a concern.

Indifference and Isolation: The family’s growing indifference is also evident in how they start using Gregor’s room as a storage space. They pile unwanted items and trash in his room, showing how little they care about his well-being. Grete eventually loses her sympathy. Grete says,

It’ll be the death of both of you, I can see it coming.

She no longer sees Gregor as her brother but as a burden. She refers to him as “it” and insists they must get rid of Gregor.

As Grete and her parents move on after Gregor’s death, planning a happier future without him, Kafka leaves readers with a chilling message- in a world driven by selfishness and superficial values, even the closest relationships can become hollow.