What is ‘Situational Language Teaching (SLT)’? or, Discuss the approach, design, and procedures of Situational Language Teaching. Situational Language Teaching (SLT) is...Continue
What is Anglicanism? How was Herbert associated with Anglicanism/the church of England?
George Herbert (1593–1633) was a university orator at Cambridge, an English poet, and a priest. He is deeply associated with Anglicanism and the Church of England. His poetry and pastoral works reflect his holy commitment to his faith and pastoral responsibilities.
Anglicanism: Anglicanism is the faith and practices of the Anglican Christian churches. In other words, it is connected with the beliefs and practices of the Church of England and other international churches.
Herbert’s Association with Anglicanism/The Church of England:
Herbert’s poems express his genuine love for the Anglican faith, personal struggles, and his profound sense of divine grace.
Relationship between God and Man: Herbert’s collection of poems, “The Temple,” (1633) significantly contributes to Anglican devotional literature. In his poems, Herbert explores themes of faith, the human condition, and the relationship between God and man. In his poem “Easter Wings,” the poet suggests that those who stay close to God through religious devotion can “fly” above or find redemption from their suffering. The poet wants to attach his wings to God’s –
With thee
Let me combine,
And feel thy victorie:
Rebellion and Submission to God: In “The Collar,” Herbert expresses his internal conflict and frustration with his dutiful life as an Anglican priest. It symbolizes the struggles of faith within the Anglican condition. The poet says,
Shall I be still in suit?
Have I no harvest but a thorn
To let me blood,…
“The Collar,” ends with Herbert submitting to God’s call. It reflects the Anglican emphasis on divine calling and obedience:
At every word,
Methought I heard one calling, Child!
And I replied My Lord.
In short, Herbert’s poetry provides a profound insight into his Anglican faith, clerical responsibilities, and spiritual journey. Thus, Herbert associates with Anglicanism.
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