Gulliver’s Travels is a notable literary work by Jonathan Swift. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of Gulliver’s Travels.
How was the queen impressed at her first meeting with Gulliver?
The first meeting between Gulliver and the Queen in Jonathan Swift’s (1667 –1745) “Gulliver’s Travels” (1726) is a notable event that captures the Queen’s immediate impression of Gulliver. Her reaction to Gulliver provides insights into her character and sets the stage for the development of their relationship throughout the story.
The Queen’s Initial Impression: When Gulliver first meets the Queen of Brobdingnag, she is struck by his appearance and behavior. Gulliver, a man of relatively average size in his world, appears tiny in the land of Brobdingnag, where the inhabitants are giants. The Queen is initially amazed by his small stature. She sees him almost as a living curiosity.
not well observing my shape at first view, asked the queen after a cold manner
She carefully examines him, much like one would observe an intricate piece of art, impressed by his delicate features and the precision with which he is made.
Gulliver’s Courteous Behavior: Gulliver’s behavior further impresses the Queen. Despite his small size, he carries himself with dignity and grace. He speaks eloquently and demonstrates a keen intellect, which earns him the Queen’s respect. His ability to communicate effectively in their language surprises her.
The queen observed my coldness;
The Queen appreciates Gulliver’s politeness and the effort he puts into engaging with her and her court. This courteous behavior endears him to the Queen.
In conclusion, the Queen’s first impression of Gulliver combines fascination, respect, and kindness. Her initial curiosity about his size and appearance quickly evolves into admiration for his intellect and courtesy.