Discuss Shakespeare’s treatment of justice and mercy in Measure for Measure

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Measure for Measure is a notable literary work by William Shakespeare. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of Measure for Measure.


Discuss William Shakespeare’s handling of the theme of justice and mercy in “Measure for Measure”.

Or Discuss Shakespeare’s treatment of justice and mercy in Measure for Measure.

Or How does Shakespeare resolve the issue of justice and mercy in Measure for Measure?

Or Examine the theme of Measure for Measure.

Measure for Measure (1623) is a play based on balancing the law and mercy in the face of human flaws. It was composed by William Shakespeare (1564-1616), a literary giant in English literature drama. In The play “Measure for Measure”, Shakespeare shows how, at the same time, justice and mercy have to be established in society. 

Authority and Delegation of Power: The Duke of Vienna delegates authority to Angelo in the play’s opening scene. He emphasizes the dual aspects of “mortality and mercy” in Angelo’s decisions. The Duke entrusts Angelo with the responsibility of maintaining order in Vienna. It sets the stage for examining justice and mercy.

Justice And Mercy Under The Duke: Justice and mercy are vital in the play’s action. When the duke has given the Administrative power to sentence a man to death, Angelo warns him that if the criminal’s crime is proven, he will take the way of justice, but if the criminal is free from his crime, Angelo will treat the man with mercy. In some scenes of the play, we see the lack of justice, especially in Claudio’s case. Claudio establishes a physical relationship with Juliet and then refuses to marry. That’s why he is accused. Duke Vincentio quotes before venerating the new duke:

“Mortality and mercy in Vienna Live in thy tongue, and heart.”

Angelo’s Strict Justice: Angelo is initially portrayed as a strict enforcer of justice. He pronounces a death sentence for Claudio’s crime of fornication. It refers to a lack of mercy in the pursuit of justice. The incident highlights the uncompromising nature of Angelo’s commitment to the law. Angelo said to Claudio’s mercy proposal,

“We must not make a scarecrow of the law”.

Justice against Various Types of Social Disorder: The drama “Measure for Measure” represents various social disorders such as injustice, seduction, violation, etc. As a humble and virtuous person, the Duke of Vienna stands against Various types of social disorder. So, the people of Vienna are gradually affected by the duke’s laws and orders. So, he decided that he would hand over the administrative power to a strict ruler named Angelo.

During the reign of Angelo, various types of social disorders were found. Angelo is regarded as a puritan with a strict moral code as the deputy of the Duke of Vienna. He tries to stop all kinds of immoral activities within the kingdom and is determined.  As a part of justice, he has given a death sentence to Claudio because his guilt is proven that Claudio fornicated with a girl called Juliet and made her pregnant without marrying her. So, from the point of justice and the law of the land, Angelo’s sentence against Claudio is just.

Justice Does Not Follow The Plead: After the death sentence of Claudio, Escalus pleads to show mercy to Claudio. He argues that any man in Claudio’s position, even Angelo himself, would have committed the same crime. Besides, Isabella, the sister of Claudio, pleads for mercy to her brother and suggests that Angelo should condemn her brother’s guilt but not the death sentence. She argues that forgiveness is a virtue according to the Christian religion. But Angelo does not pay heed to both Isabella and Escalus’s plead. From this attitude, Isabella understands that Angelo is abusing his power. So she says, 

 O, it is excellent 

To have a giant’s strength, but it is tyrannous 

To use it like a giant. 

Contention Between Justice And Lust: During her second interview with Angelo, he dramatically proposes that if Isabella is willing to surrender her virginity to him, he will pardon her brother. The issue is a contention between justice and lust, chastity, and the desire to save a brother’s life. Later on, On the advice of Isabella, the Duke sends Mariana in Isabella’s disguise to satisfy Angelo’s sexual desire. Thus, Angelo throws law and justice out of the window and commits the same crime as Claudio did.

Duke’s Intervention: The Duke, observing events in disguise, reveals himself and interferes. His actions reveal a delicate balance between justice and mercy. While recognizing the need for justice, the Duke introduces elements of forgiveness and compassion, particularly in dealing with Angelo. The duke angrily says, 

O, what may man within him hide

Though angel on the outward side!

In light of the above discussion, it can be said that Shakespeare’s “Measure for Measure” has proved that justice and mercy are two sides of the same coin presented in the drama. So, we should judge any crime or criminal by considering mercy and justice.