King Lear : Summary

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King Lear is a notable literary work by William Shakespeare. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of King Lear.


King Lear  Plot Summary

The Division of the Kingdom Among Three Daughters: King Lear is an aging British ruler. He decided to divide his kingdom among his three daughters—Cordelia, Goneril, and Regan. He wanted to retire and live in peace. To do this, he arranged a public contest with his courtiers. He asked his daughters to express how much they loved him. The one who showed the most love would get the largest kingdom share. Goneril and Regan won by flattering him. Cordelia, being honest, refused to flatter her father and was disinherited. When Kent, a loyal servant, defended Cordelia, the king banished him. Cordelia’s marriage prospects were also hurt. However, the King of France accepted her, while the Duke of Burgundy turned her away.


Edmund’s Plot Against His Brother: Gloucester is a loyal nobleman to Lear. He had two sons. Edgar was legitimate, and Edmund was born out of wedlock. Society looked down on Edmund, so he plotted against his brother to gain his father’s fortune. He made Edgar appear to be a traitor. Gloucester believed this lie, disowned Edgar, and named Edmund as his heir. Regan’s husband, Cornwall, was impressed and offered Edmund a place in his court.


Goneril and Regan’s Betrayal Begins, and Kent Returns in Disguise: Goneril soon becomes irritated with her father. She refused to give him the knights he wanted and accused him of creating disorder in her palace. Lear, angry, decided to go stay with Regan instead. Meanwhile, Kent, disguised as “Caius,” returned and delivered a letter from Lear to Regan. Goneril sent her servant, Oswald, to warn Regan about their father.

Kent and Oswald had a scuffle while delivering their letters. As a result, Cornwall, Regan’s husband, put Kent in the stocks as punishment. Lear arrived with his Fool and was shocked to find Kent imprisoned. Both Regan and Goneril treated their father cruelly, and soon, Goneril arrived. Together, the two sisters humiliated Lear.


The Mad King in the Storm and Edgar’s Disguise: Lear, heartbroken by his daughters’ cruelty, became mad. He ran into the stormy wilderness with his Fool. A gentleman informed Kent of the king’s whereabouts. Kent found them and took them to a small hovel for shelter. There, they met Edgar, who was disguised as “Poor Tom,” a madman. Later, Gloucester found them and took them to his palace, but he did not recognize his son, Edgar.


Gloucester’s Loyalty to Lear and Edmund’s Betrayal: Gloucester remained loyal to Lear, despite his daughters’ behavior. He shared his concerns with Edmund. But Edmund betrayed him. He told Cornwall about Gloucester’s loyalty to Lear. Cornwall rewarded Edmund and called him his “son.”

Gloucester then learned that Lear’s daughters were plotting to kill the king. He arranged for Kent to take Lear to Dover, where Cordelia stayed with her French army. Cornwall, Regan, Goneril, and Edmund discussed the French invasion at Gloucester’s palace. Cornwall then punished Gloucester by gouging out his eyes. A servant tried to stop him, but Regan killed the servant. Finally, Cornwall gouged out Gloucester’s second eye.


Goneril and Regan’s Love for Edmund: After arriving at Goneril’s palace, Edmund learned from Oswald that Goneril’s husband, Albany, had sympathy for Lear and Cordelia. This angered Goneril. She kissed Edmund and expressed her desire to marry him. Albany, however, scolded Goneril for her behavior. Soon after, news came that Cornwall had died. Albany was pleased and began to plan his revenge. Goneril feared that now her sister, Regan, would claim Edmund, as she was recently widowed.

Both sisters began to fight over Edmund. Goneril planned to kill her husband. Meanwhile, Regan was determined to keep Edmund, even if it meant losing the war. Goneril ordered Gloucester’s murder.


Cordelia Finds Lear, and Gloucester Dies: Cordelia found Lear, who had gone mad at the French camp. She brought doctors and servants to help him. She even announced a reward for anyone who helped him recover. A doctor advised that rest would be the best cure for Lear. Meanwhile, Edgar, still in disguise, met Gloucester again. Gloucester was shocked to find that Edgar was alive and soon died from the shock. Before this,  Oswald tried to kill Gloucester but was killed by Edgar.


The Final Tragic Battle: A fierce battle broke out between the British and French armies. Edmund, along with Goneril and Regan, led the British forces. Cordelia and her supporters fought for the French. The French army was defeated, and both Lear and Cordelia were captured. Edmund ordered their execution. Albany, Goneril, Regan, and Edmund met, but when Albany called for Cordelia and Lear’s release, Edmund refused.

Goneril and Regan began to quarrel over Edmund. Goneril poisoned Regan. Edgar then arrived and killed Edmund in a duel. A servant came and informed them that Goneril had killed herself. Lear later appeared with Cordelia’s body, devastated that she had been hanged. Lear, overwhelmed with grief, died from a broken heart. Before dying, he revealed that his Fool had also died.

Finally, Albany offered Kent and Edgar the chance to rule the kingdom together. Kent refused and chose to follow his king to death. Edgar was left to reflect on the tragic events that had unfolded.