Lapis Lazuli is a notable literary work by William Butler Yeats. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts,
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In this poem, lapis lazuli is a type of stone used in jewelry and mosaic work. In this poem, the poet says that art is considered beneficial in times of crisis. Deep philosophies are born out of human fears and anxieties. Life begins when life becomes sad. That is, it is only when difficult times are reached that man understands the reality of his life and experiences the true philosophy. Europe was at war at that time. All the monuments showed signs of air strikes. People were thinking at that time, that arts like poetry, music, or painting were completely useless in this critical moment. But here the poet is saying something else. He said the practice of art during times of war or crisis is necessary because it teaches us to face the dire realities of life with courage. He also said that just as the actors of a tragedy play their roles with courage. We should perform all the responsibilities of our lives with courage. Birth, death, rebirth, destruction, and formation are eternal laws of nature. Civilizations will arise, decay, and eventually die. All the creations of the world will be destroyed. That’s why we can’t stop, we all have to do creative work.