literary criticism Mean

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An Apology for Poetry is a notable literary work by Philip Sidney. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of An Apology for Poetry.


What does literary criticism mean?

Literary criticism means criticizing a piece of literature for explaining or evaluating it and highlighting its good and bad points.

An Apology for Poetry This book was written in late 1579 or 1580. And this book was published in 1595.


  • Some of the major literary works of Sir Philip Sidney:
  • Astrophel and Stella (that is a sonnet sequence)
  • Arcadia (which is a prose)
  • An Apology for Poetry or The Defense of Poetry (that is a literary criticism)


Sir Philip Sidney divides this Essay into three main parts and shows the place of poetry above all. So, in short, we did not know point to point.

First part or division (para 1-35): In the first division, we get the following contains for learning:

  • Sidney offers a general defense of poetry as the earliest form of literature.
  • Poetry is an imitation of nature and yet transcending nature
  • Poetry contributes better than philosophy or history to the end of all teaching.
  • Second part or division (para 36-58): In the second division, we get the following objectives of learning:
  • Sidney answers the various objections that had been brought against poetry
  • Sidney classifies pastoral, elegiac, comic, satiric, tragic, lyric ,and heroic poetry.
  • Sidney asserts that poetry is the most fruitful store or repository of knowledge.


Third part or division (para 59-71): This part exposes the critical conception of Sidney as to poetry and drama. The following are the objectives of this division:

  • Sidney examines the state of English poetry and drama.
  • He expresses his disappointment in what had been written and was being written in the spheres of poetry and drama.
  • He censures the comedy of the time for confusing delight with laughter.