Of Truth : Summary

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Of Truth is a notable literary work by Francis Bacon. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of Of Truth.


Jesting Pilate, the fifth governor of the Roman state of Judea, questions what is truth, by which Bacon starts this essay. Scholars have taken ages to provide the nature of truth but cannot reach a consensus. Bacon has successfully provided the definition of truth in this essay. He says that truth is akin to daylight fully devoid of darkness and artificiality. The unbeatable light that, despite a hundred attempts, cannot be drowned in darkness. He said that the path of truth is a difficult path and people do not find that path very easily. It requires sacrifice and patience. 

Truth is very difficult to achieve. A lot of hard work has to be done to gain it. Most people do not want to work hard which results in them not finding the truth. But once a person finds the true path, he devotes himself to the practice of the truth in such a way that he never leaves the true path. Bacon has compared this truth to gold. Because gold has no decay, it never tarnishes or loses its brightness.

On the other hand, Bacon says, that a mixture of lies gives men temporary pleasure and respect. Moreover, Bacon compares lying to a snake walking on its chest, because just as a snake moves with its head down while walking on its chest, liars are also forced to walk in society with their heads down while they lie, a guilty feeling inside him always chases. Moreover, lying is an inherent human quality, so people feel comfortable lying.

Bacon mentions the quotes of the philosopher, Montaigne, as he says that the liars fear humans but not God as they are afraid of making lies with men but do not fear to lie in the name of God. But on the day of judgment both the truth and falsehood will be exposed. Similarly, when people mix truth with falsehood, truth loses its true position.

Bacon says that mixing truth with falsehood or half-truth is much worse. He says that falsehood and truth are completely different from each other and they can never move together. He also said that in all kinds of research, researchers always accept the truth and reject the falsehood. Finally, Bacon ends the essay by quoting Jesus Christ as the symbol of peace and says that when Jesus Christ descends on this earth for the second time, he will see nothing but true faith among the people of the world.