Othello : Literary devices

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Othello is a notable literary work by William Shakespeare. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of Othello.

Literary devices

Literary Terms:

  • Soliloquy: Iago’s soliloquies are key in revealing his true intentions and thoughts to the audience, while other characters remain unaware of his evil plans.



The Handkerchief:  The handkerchief that Othello gives to Desdemona symbolizes their love and faithfulness. When it is lost and later found with Cassio, it becomes a symbol of Othello’s mistrust and jealousy.

The Willow Song:  In Act 4, Scene 3, Desdemona sings the “Willow Song,”  a song about a woman who is abandoned by her lover. This song symbolizes Desdemona’s innocence, her sorrow, and her premonition of her tragic fate. 

The Candle: The candle Othello blows out just before killing Desdemona symbolizes her life. 

The Sea/Storms: The sea and storms that occur at the start of the play symbolize the chaos and turmoil that will soon follow in the characters’ lives. 


Figures of Speech

Irony: Othello is filled with dramatic irony, especially surrounding Iago. The audience knows that Iago is manipulating Othello, while Othello believes Iago is trustworthy.

Symbolism/Symbols: The handkerchief in the play symbolizes Desdemona’s loyalty, and its loss represents the unraveling of trust between her and Othello.