The Metamorphosis is a notable literary work by Franz Kafka. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of The Metamorphosis.
What was the predicament faced by Mr. Samsa immediately after Gregor’s transformation?
Franz Kafka’s (1883-1924) “The Metamorphosis” (1915) is often viewed as a cynical exploration of modern life and human relationships. After Gregor transforms into an insect, Gregor’s father, Mr. Samsa, faces several difficult situations like financial hardships, fear, and anger.
Dependency and Financial Hardships: Gregor was the primary breadwinner before the transformation, supporting the entire family. Mr. Samsa was financially dependent on Gregor. Mr. Samsa did not work and spent most of his days at home. With Gregor suddenly unable to work, the family’s financial stability is threatened, putting Mr. Samsa in a challenging position.
Fear and Anger: Immediately after discovering Gregor’s transformation, Mr. Samsa is torn between fear and frustration. On one hand, he is horrified by the sight of his son’s insect-like form. On the other hand, he worries about the family’s future, knowing that they can no longer rely on Gregor’s income. Mr. Samsa’s reaction is aggressive, reflecting his fear and anxiety. When Gregor reveals himself to the office manager, Mr. Samsa’s first response is anger and rejection. He shouts at Gregor and threatens him to beat.
Getting Back to Work: In retirement, Mr. Samsa spent his days eating a leisurely breakfast and reading several newspapers. After Gregor’s transformation, he feels pressured to return to work despite his old age. He eventually takes a job as a bank assistant, a lowly job. However, Mr. Samsa seems revitalized by the job and the uniform. As the narrator says,
Was that really his father? The same tired man…
In short, Gregor’s transformation forces Mr. Samsa to confront his own helplessness and take responsibility for supporting the family.