The Major Syntactic Processes Elaborately is a notable literary work by ___. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of The Major Syntactic Processes Elaborately.
Write a short note on Neo-Classicism.
Neo-classicism (1660-1785) is the name of a movement that is involved with artistic and creative flourishment. It reflects the nature of ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, culture, and art. To put it differently, Neoclassicism is the movement of the 18th and 19th centuries in the history of English literature.
Etymological definition: The word ‘Neoclassicism’ is a combination of the words ‘neo’ and ‘classic’. ‘Neo’ comes from the Greek word ‘neos’ which means ‘young’ or ‘new’. In accordance with Webster’s Dictionary, classic’ is the style and work of the ancient writers of Greece and Rome. So, we can get the meaning of Neoclassicism that is the rebirth of classicism. According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Neoclassicism is,
a style of art, architecture and design that is strongly influenced by the styles of ancient Greece and Rome.
Neoclassicism in Art: Neoclassicism in art focuses on the ideal human form; the subjects of paintings imitate classical history and dress. Figures and idealizes are the very perfect characteristics. Compositions are marked by clean and evergreen. For instance, “The Greek Slaves” by Hiram Powers is one of the most celebrated literary works.
Writers of Neoclassicism: We know that Neoclassicism is the movement of English literature. This age laid strength on the revival of classical spirit during the period between 1680 and 1750 that is called the age of Pope and Dryden. Writers of this age highly attempt to follow the paths of the antique writers of the Augustus age. For that, the age of Pope and Dryden is also called the Augustan age. The poets of the period imitate the writers of ancient times of Greek and Roman. Pope and Dryden were the leading poets of that period. They attempt to follow the poets of antiquity and the spirit of the period of Augustan.
To sum up, we can say that Neoclassicism is the most important literary movement in the history of English Literature.