Write a Short note on the ‘Medea-Jason’ Relationship

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Medea is a notable literary work by Euripides. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of Medea.


Write a short note on the ‘Medea-Jason’ relationship.  

In Euripides’ (C.480 BC – C.406 BC) play “Medea” (431 BC), the relationship between Medea and Jason is one of deep love that turns into intense conflict and betrayal. Initially, their bond is based on love and mutual support. Medea sacrifices everything for Jason. She leaves her homeland, betrays her father, and even commits crimes like killing her brother to help Jason achieve his goals. She says, 

My love for you was greater than my wisdom.

Love: In the beginning, Medea and Jason share a strong partnership. Medea helps Jason obtain the Golden Fleece and betrays her own family to support him. Their relationship is built on trust and shared goals. Medea makes significant sacrifices for Jason’s success. 

Betrayal: The relationship decays when Jason abandons Medea to marry Glauce, the daughter of King Creon. Jason’s decision to leave Medea and their children for a royal marriage. He breaks the promises he made to her. This betrayal turns their love into deep bitterness and hatred.

Revenge: The relationship becomes destructive as Medea’s sense of betrayal leads her to seek revenge. Jason’s justifications for his actions focus on social and economic benefits, but Medea views them as excuses for his selfishness. This results in Medea plotting against Jason, ultimately leading to the tragic deaths of their children as her way of punishing him. She says, 

I’ve made up my mind, my friends.

I’ll do it—kill my children now, without delay.

The relationship between Medea and Jason shifts from love and loyalty to betrayal and revenge. This highlights the destructive impact of broken promises and selfish ambition.