An Apology for Poetry is a notable literary work by Philip Sidney. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, to various questions of An Apology for Poetry.
Comment on Sidney’s view on the role and function of poetry.
Or, discuss the nature and function of poetry.
Every branch of knowledge has a function that is to be done for the betterment of human beings. As the earliest branch of knowledge, poetry has a unique function to be done in accordance with Sir Philip Sidney (1554-1586). Sidney wrote his essay, An Apology for Poetry (1595), to defend poetry from the Puritans’ allegation, focusing on poetry’s superior function so that poetry can hold universal prestige and position forever.
The Role and Function of Poetry: Sidney has pursued the Aristotelian concept of poetry to define the nature and function of poetry. Sidney’s handy and outstanding evaluation of the function and nature of poetry is recounted here with reference to the context of the literary criticism “An Apology for Poetry.”
Art of Imitation to Teach and Delight: Sidney defines poetry as an art of imitation following Aristotle’s concept of mimesis or the theory of imitation. He explains imitation:
Poesy, therefore, is an art of imitation; for so Aristotle termeth it in the word mimesis; that is to say, a representing, counterfeiting, or figuring forth
In other words, poetry as an art of imitation gives a visual description or a speaking picture, the aim of which is to teach and delight.
Classification of Poetry: Sidney identifies three kinds of poetry: divine poetry of the Bible, philosophical or moral poetry produced by ancient writers such as Tyrtaeus and Phocylides, and truest poetry. Sidney is directly and immediately concerned with the third type of poetry, which follows the rules of imitation to teach and delight.
Giving Light to the Ignorant: Sidney points out that poetry was the earliest form of composition in all countries. The ancient Romans gave or bestowed the divine title “Vates” on the poet. The word ‘vates’ stans for diviner or prophet. On the other hand, the Greeks regarded the poet as a maker.
It cometh of this word Poiein,.., we English men have met with the Greeks in calling him ‘a maker’.
Thus, Sidney makes the function of poetry transparent in that it scatters the messages with delight.
The Superiority of Poetry Over Philosophy and History: Sidney’s most powerful and convincing arguments are about the superior function of poetry in philosophy and history. Sidney declares that philosophy is abstract, that it is a hard nut to crack, and teaches only virtue by warning against vice. On the other hand, history is limited to the matters that happened and focuses only on virtue. However, the dual functions of poetry are to teach and delight at the same time.
Poetry as Controller or Moderator: Sidney calls the poet a moderator in the school of learning. According to Sidney, poetry teaches and delights, but that is not all. He also points out the power of poetry to move the mind and to stir the heart. It can influence the reader’s behavior and conduct. After reading Homer’s “Odyssey,” everybody would like to perform a deed of similar virtue.
And these four are all that in any way deal in that consideration of men’s manners, which being the supreme knowledge, they that best breed it deserve the best commendation.
As virtue is the most excellent end of all worldly learning, poetry is the most familiar way to teach virtue, and it is the most princely to move us towards. Sidney makes one of his most memorable statements when he speaks of lyrical poetry:
I never heard the old song of Percy and Douglas that
I found not my heart moved more than with a trumpet.
So, poetry improves the differentiating power of human beings with delight and spontaneity.
In termination, it is pure water-like and transparent that the function of poetry surpasses the function of all branches of knowledge. Philosophy is one-sided, history is limited, and science is factual only, but poetry is prophetic.