Mending Wall is a notable literary work by Robert Frost. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts,
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What does the wall signify in the poem ‘Mending Wall’?
Or, Comment on the symbolic meaning of the wall in ‘Mending Wall’
“Mending Wall” is a poem written by Robert Frost (1874-1963) in which the narrator and his neighbour meet to repair a stone wall. The wall separates their properties. The wall is a recurring symbol throughout the poem. It represents various themes and ideas. Here, the significance of the wall is being discussed.
Physical Boundary: The wall primarily signifies a physical boundary that separates the narrator’s property from his neighbour’s. The wall has been built to keep their lands separate.
Tradition: The wall also represents a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. The neighbour says,
Good fences make good neighbors,
It indicates that he believes in the importance of maintaining the wall as a tradition.
Control: The wall may also symbolize the desire for control. The neighbour seems to be obsessed with maintaining the wall, even though there is no apparent threat to either property. The narrator questions this need for control, saying,
Something there is that doesn’t love a wall.
Division: The wall can also represent the division between people. The poem suggests that the wall creates a sense of isolation and separation, which is unnecessary since the two neighbours are living near each other.
The wall in “Mending Wall” serves as a powerful symbol throughout the poem. It highlights the complex relationship between the two neighbours. Again, it highlights the broader human condition of building and breaking down barriers.