The Force that through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower : Summary

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The Force that through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower is a notable literary work by Dylan Thomas. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of The Force that through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower.


Dylan Thomas was born in 1914 and that’s when the First World War broke out. Even after World War I he faced World War II. At that time his lover was seriously injured in a German attack. Since then, he has started to write some writings that cover universal themes. His reason for writing was not only because he had lost his lover but also because he wanted to speak out against the fascism that was rampant in Europe in the 1930s and 40s.

Thomas in this poem deals with the period of birth and death in a practical sense. The poet says the force that is influencing his life also influencing the nature around him. In the poem, the poet talks about this force. This mighty force helps flowers bloom in green nature and this same force helps him to glow with the vigor of youth. The power that uproots the huge trees of nature in an instant is the same power that is ending the poet’s life gradually.

He compares his life with nature, implying that both his life and nature are controlled by the same force. He also says that if he could communicate with the rose flower in that beautiful garden, he would have told the rose that its petals are falling off after a certain period and that the power that controls the rose is the same power that controls the poet himself. Similarly, if the poet could communicate with the Moutain Spring, he would have told the mountain that the same force is controlling them all.

This powerful force is Time. By using various metaphors, time is essentially being indicated as a powerful force. Because nature and the poet’s life are controlled by Time, and both are getting old from youth. He can’t tell the wind that the force controlling him is time, even if he wants to. Due to this period, sometimes the pond water is moving and sometimes it gets stuck in the silt. Even though the poet himself knows, he cannot tell anyone that Time is capable of destroying everything in the world. Finally, the poet shows himself as dead at the end of the poem and exposes his dead body. The poet has beautifully presented the force and power of time in this poem.