The Forge : Summary

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The Forge is a notable literary work by Seamus Heaney. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of The Forge.


In the poem “The Forge” the poet describes a blacksmith’s shop and a blacksmith’s work in his locality which is located on the road to his school. As he passed by the forge every day, he would pay close attention to see that a local blacksmith was working inside and metal objects were strewn outside. This blacksmith’s father was also a blacksmith in the past and he is currently occupying his father’s place.

The outside of the blacksmith’s shop is quite dirty, but inside, the beaten items are shining on the iron sheet next to the sparks of the fire. Day after day, blacksmiths create colorful objects by placing iron over the live sparks. And that is why he refers to the blacksmith as a creative artist and craftsman in his poetry. At the end of the poem, he compares himself to the blacksmith and says that just as the blacksmith creates new things every day, he also writes all the unimaginable things with his pen day after day.