The Magi is a notable literary work by William Butler Yeats. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts,
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In this poem, the poet invites those people to return to the path of peace. He shows the way to those whose lives are passing through depression. Here he says that a wise man has announced the coming of Jesus Christ and is calling everyone to return to the path of manifestation. Man after a certain period i.e. reaching his old age returns to the path of God for fulfillment and happiness and peace, and returns to the spiritual world where lies the mine of true happiness.
The poet says that many people in the world think that the source of all their happiness is hidden in this busy world but the poet wants to show that they are wrong. To find the path to true peace and fulfillment, they must abandon all worldly thoughts and return to the path of God as shown by Jesus Christ.