Discuss how the play within the play contributes to the development of action in ‘Hamlet’.

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Hamlet is a notable literary work by William Shakespeare. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of Hamlet.


Discuss how the play within the play contributes to the development of action in ‘Hamlet’.

or, The “play within a play” in Hamlet.

or, Significance of  play within a play in Hamlet.

The tragedy “Hamlet” is famous and the largest play of William Shakespeare (1564-1616). It reveals a new literary device by which the hero, Hamlet, confirms his father’s murder, and the audience understands the governing theme of the drama. The term play-within-play, also known as “The Mousetrap,” dramatically contributes to developing the drama’s upcoming plot. Let’s see below logically.

The purpose of the play within the play: Shakespeare’s purpose is to set up a play named “The Murderer of Gonzago,” by which he has been broadening the plot. It is worked as a way of his excellence and intelligence. Shakespeare inaugurated a new technique- play-within-play- throughout this new term, which enriched his drama. 

To Develop the Upcoming Plot of the Play:  To be informed by the ghost of Old Hamlet, he wants to get clarification about the murder. So, he decides to arrange a play within the play named “The Murder of Gonzago.” This term play within play significantly contributes to developing the following plot of the drama “Hamlet.” Throughout this dramatic style, the plot of the drama has reached its proper way of revenge. So, it can be said that the play within the play has enlarged the drama’s plot. 

The Actual Play: The tragedy of Hamlet is based on the central theme of the Murder of Old Hamlet. But the actual play was the play within the play named “The Murder of Gonzago”. This play has helped Hamlet to reach his destination. The Queen also saw the play “The Murder of Gonzago”. Hamlet proved that it was the actual drama of Hamlet. 

“That’s wormwood, wormwood….. 

If she should break it now! 

O but she’ll keep her word” 

Revealing Claudius’ Guilt: The play within the play mirrors the circumstances of King Hamlet’s murder, providing an opportunity for Claudius to reveal his guilt through his reaction. When the murder scene is acted upon, Claudius’ response serves as a confirmation of his culpability. He utters, 

O, my offense is rank: it smells to heaven; 

It hath the primal eldest curse upon’t, 

A brother’s murder.


Rising of Tension: The tension between Hamlet and Claudius reaches its elevation during the play within the play, as Hamlet’s manipulation of the performance puts Claudius on edge and exposes his guilt. He says,

“What do you call the play?”

Showing Hamlet’s Judgmental Power: The play within the play shows the judging power of Hamlet. It is not only Hamlet, but also the audience can get clear information that Claudius is the real murderer of King Hamlet. From the moment of detecting the deceased king’s assassinator, the plot of the tragedy starkly turns to revenge and hatred.

Showing Shakespeare’s acting technique: Shakespeare is an extraordinary genius in the history of English literature and is unique in styles and his acting technique. Each of his plays introduced a new style, including supernatural elements, tragicomic elements, and so on. Like these, in the play “Hamlet”, play within the play has introduced Shakespeare’s play-acting excellence to the audience. To establish this technique, the playwright has given the highest interest to the hero. So, it can be said that play within is not only a method of Hamlet himself but also a method of Shakespeare to praise his tragedy.

So finally, the play within the play catalyzes the unfolding action in “Hamlet,” pushing the plot forward by exposing Claudius’ guilt, confirming Hamlet’s suspicions, and escalating the tension between the characters.