The significance of the title Look Back in Anger

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Look Back in Anger is a notable literary work by John Osborne. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, to various questions of Look Back in Anger.


Discuss the significance of the title of the play “Look Back in Anger”.


The title of John Osborne‘s (1929-1994) play, “Look Back in Anger” (1956), holds significant thematic and emotional weight. It encapsulates many of the central ideas and conflicts explored within the play. Here are some key aspects of the title’s significance:

Emotional Struggle and Regret: The title “Look Back in Anger” suggests that the characters in the play are burdened by unresolved anger and resentment from their pasts. Looking back implies a retrospective examination of their lives, and anger in this reflection implies that painful memories and experiences haunt them. The central character, Jimmy Porter, struggles with his working-class background and lack of job opportunities for educated youths.

I suppose people of our generation aren’t able to die for good causes any longer.

Conflict and Frustration: The title immediately sets the tone for the play, as “anger” is a central emotion. Jimmy is always angry in the play, which creates tension between him and his wife. Jimmy and Alison’s relationship is marked by constant conflict despite their love. Jimmy’s working-class background and bitterness about society’s injustices lead to frequent clashes with Alison, who comes from a more privileged background. Their arguments are often intense and full of anger.

Social Critique: The anger portrayed in the play extends beyond personal relationships; it is also a commentary on the broader social and political climate of post-war Britain.

Jimmy is the mouthpiece of the playwright John Osborne to throw light on the social injustices, upper-class complacency, and lack of opportunities for the working class. The play spawned a theatrical movement, “Angry Young Men,” in post-World War II England.

The title suggests that the play is not just about individual anger but also serves as a mirror reflecting the discontent and disillusionment of a generation facing the challenges of a changing society.

A Call for Self-Examination: The phrase “look back” implies a need for introspection and self-examination. The characters in the play are compelled to confront their own emotions, choices, and the impact of their actions on others. This self-examination is often painful and leads to confrontations and revelations.

The Search for Authenticity: The title can be interpreted as a call to confront the inauthenticity and complacency of the characters’ lives. Jimmy, in particular, is driven by a desire for authenticity and despises the hypocrisy and conformity he perceives in those around him. The anger is, in part, a reaction to the lack of genuineness in their lives.

In summary, the title “Look Back in Anger” captures the emotional turmoil, conflict, and societal critique of the play. It highlights the characters’ struggle to come to terms with their pasts, confront their emotions, and find meaning and authenticity in a world that often seems alienating and frustrating.