Desire Under the Elms is a notable literary work by Eugene O'Neill. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of Desire Under the Elms.
How does O’Neill treat the theme of sin and retribution in Desire Under the Elms?
“Desire Under the Elms” (1924) is a modern tragedy written by Eugene O’Neill (1888 – 1953). The writer shows the play’s significant characters’ sin and punishment. He uses these sins from Greek myth with slight differences. These are the diseases of modern society.
Sin and retribution: The term “sin and retribution” is one of the best-known terms in the works of different types of literary figures. Retribution is the result of something. In the play, retribution is used for the sins of the characters. The term “sin and retribution” develops a play through a journey. We can compare sins and retributions with inputs and outputs. Let us discuss the themes of sin and retribution in the play.
Cabot’s Sin and Retribution: Cabot is the father of Simeon, Peter, and Eben. He is 75 years old, and Abbie’s husband is 35 years old. After scanning the play, we get his sin. First of all, his sin is that he is a very orthodox person. For that reason, he has no good relationship with his family members. His second notable sin, according to Eben, is that he takes forcibly the ownership of the farm from his mother and kills his mother by hard work tendency. Eben says to Simeon and Peter in Part 1 Scene 2:
You have no right to the farm at all. My mother was not your mother. This farm belonged to her. Our father took it from her without having any right to it. Now that my mother is dead, the farm belongs to me.
Then, we come to know that he had illegal relations with Minnie, the local prostitute. He takes his retribution by staying lonesome forever. He also loses his money. He gets insulted by the neighbors.
Abbie’s Sin and Retribution: Abbie is the heroine of the play. She is the step-mom of Eben, the hero of the play. After scanning the play, we get her sin. First of all, she sins by possessive tendency. She married Cabot, the old man, just for home and financial security. Her second sin is making illegal and nasty relations with Eben. Her third sin is killing her son to prove her genuine love for Eben. For these sins, she cannot gain the farmhouse. Besides, she is punished by going to prison.
Eben’s Sin and Retribution: Eben is the third son of Cabot and the only son of Maw, Cabot’s second kind-hearted wife. We get his sins after scanning the play. First of all, he always thinks that Cabot is the killer of his mom and that the owner of the farm is Eben. His father takes it from her mother forcibly. For this reason, he wants to take revenge upon his father. That means his first sin is a revengeful tendency. His second sin is making illegal and nasty relations with Abbie. At last, he takes his punishment by going to prison.
The Message of the Themes: O’Neill takes the idea of these themes from the Greek myth of Phaedra, Hippolytus, and Theseus. Phaedra is Abbie, Hippolytus is Eben, and Theseus is Cabot. The writer tries to show the result of these prime sins of human beings. If one does this type of sin, he or she has to suffer a lot. All sin is created around the farm in the play. In the play’s last dialogue, the Police officer says,
It is a most beautiful farm. One cannot deny that. I wish I owned this farm.
This quotation proves that nobody can live happily on a farm. So, we should avoid these sins.
To conclude, there is no doubt that O’Neill successfully uses the term “sin and retribution” in the play. His style of description this term is also fantastic.