The Picture of Indian Society in The God of Small Things

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Sketch the character of Ammu is a notable literary work by ___. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of Sketch the character of Ammu.


Sketch the picture of Indian society you notice in “The God of Small Things.” 

This writing will also cover the answer to the following question:

Discuss the theme of social discrimination. 

“The God of Small Things” (1997) by Arundhati Roy (1961-present) is a novel that deals with various themes, including social discrimination. The novel takes place in Kerala, India, and portrays the caste system and its effects on society.

The Caste System: The novel depicts the caste system in India and its effects on society. The caste system is an ancient social hierarchy that divides people based on birth. It has led to discrimination and inequality in Indian society. The novel shows how the caste system affects the characters’ lives, especially the lower caste people, Velutha.

Social Class: The novel also explores the theme of social class. The characters in the novel are divided into different social classes based on their wealth and education. The social class determines their status and power in society. The lower-class people are often discriminated against and oppressed by the upper class. Again, divorced women are treated as lower classes of people. Roy says about Ammu when she leaves her husband,

 A caste system. A religion. She was not meant to violate it. She was not meant to move out of her designated space.

Education: Education is also an essential theme in the novel. Education is often seen as a way to escape poverty and discrimination. However, the novel shows how education is not always a guarantee of success and how discrimination can persist despite education.

Gender Discrimination: The novel also explores gender discrimination. The female characters in the novel are often oppressed and discriminated against by the male characters. The novel shows how women are not given equal rights and opportunities in Indian society. “The God of Small Things” clearly portrays women’s position inside and outside the Indian home and hearth. Mammachi, Ammu, Baby Kochamma, Margaret, and Rahel are examples of women suppressed and exploited in various ways. When Mammachi’s pickle-making job earns her reputation, Pappachi becomes jealous of her. Ammu is even beaten black and blue by her husband when she declines to satisfy the sexual urge of his English boss, Hollick.

Love and Relationships: The novel also examines the theme of love and relationships. The relationships between the characters are often affected by social discrimination. For example, the relationship between Ammu and Velutha is forbidden because of the caste system, and their love leads to tragic consequences. Roy says about Ammu,

 No, she cannot do this. She cannot love by her own choice.

Politics and Power: The novel also explores the theme of politics and power. The characters in the novel are often affected by political decisions and the abuse of power. The political system in India is often corrupt and discriminatory, and the novel shows how this affects the characters’ lives. For example, Velutha becomes the victim of Baby Kochamma’s political power.

The early morning heat was full of the promise of worse to come.

“The God of Small Things” is a novel that explores social discrimination in Indian society. The novel portrays the caste system, social class, education, gender discrimination, love and relationships, politics, and power. These themes are intertwined and affect the characters’ lives in different ways.