Thyrsis is a notable literary work by Alfred Lord Tennyson. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of Thyrsis.
What is elegy? Discuss “Thyrsis” as an elegy.
Elegy is a kind of poem that talks about sadness and loss. It’s like a song of sorrow, often written to remember someone who has died. Elegies can also be about something that’s gone or changed in a way that makes people sad. One famous example of an elegy is “Thyrsis” (1866) by Matthew Arnold (1822-1888).
Remembering a Friend: “Thyrsis” is a poem by Matthew Arnold about the loss of his friend, Arthur Hugh Clough. Arnold and Clough were both poets and good friends. In the poem, Arnold talks about the beautiful countryside where they used to spend time together. The poet says about his beloved friend:
Our friend, the Gipsy-Scholar, was not dead;
While the tree lived, he in these fields lived on
He remembers the happy moments they shared and feels sad that Clough is no longer there with him.
Describing Nature and Friendship: Arnold uses nature to describe his feelings about Clough’s death. He talks about the trees, fields, and rivers they enjoyed together. These natural images help Arnold express his sadness and longing for his friend.
Ah me! this many a year
My pipe is lost, my shepherd’s holiday!
He compares Clough to a shepherd who takes care of sheep and says that Clough is like a shepherd who has gone away.
Feeling Sadness and Loss: Throughout the poem, Arnold expresses his deep sadness and sense of loss. He talks about how much he misses Clough and how different the world feels without him. Arnold wishes that Clough could come back, but he knows that it’s not possible. He says that Clough’s voice can no longer be heard in the fields or by the rivers. So, the poet mourns for his beloved friends:
Of storms that rage outside our happy ground;
He could not wait their passing, he is dead.
Finding Comfort in Memories: Even though Arnold feels sad, he finds comfort in his friend’s memories. He remembers the times they spent together and the things they talked about. Arnold believes that Clough’s spirit lives in the beautiful countryside they love. So, the poet says about the countryside:
Too rare, too rare, grow now my visits here,
But once I knew each field, each flower, each stick;
Reflecting on Life and Death: “Thyrsis” is a poem about a dead friend and a reflection on life and death. Arnold wonders what happens to people after they die and if they can still be part of the world. He thinks about how short life is and how quickly everything can change. Despite his sadness, Arnold tries to find meaning and hope in the face of death.
In conclusion, “Thyrsis” is an elegiac poem. Matthew Arnold composed it in deep grief after the death of his friend Arthur Hugh Clough. Here he describes the nature and memories of their friendship, expressing a deep passion for his friend. The poem reflects on the mystery of life and death. Despite the pain of losing a friend, Arnold finds solace in Arthur Hugh Clough’s memory.