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Doctor FaustusNotes

  • Discuss Doctor Faustus as a tragic heroDiscuss Doctor Faustus as a tragic hero. A tragic hero is a character of high status who possesses a fatal flaw leading to their downfall. Christopher Marlowe’s (1564-1593) “Doctor Faustus,” written in 1592 or 1593, [...]
  • Consider Doctor Faustus as a Religious PlayConsider “Doctor Faustus” as a religious play. Christopher Marlowe’s (1564-1593) “Doctor Faustus,” written in 1592 or 1593, is often regarded as a religious play. The play deals with fundamental themes of Christianity, such as sin, [...]
  • Comment on the dramatic significance of the last scene of Doctor FaustusComment on the dramatic significance of the last scene of “Doctor Faustus.” Or, when does the agony of Doctor Faustus reach its climax? In the last scene of the play "Doctor Faustus" (1604) by Christopher [...]
  • Comment on the inner conflict experienced by Doctor FaustusComment on the inner conflict experienced by Doctor Faustus. One of the central elements of Christopher Marlowe’s (1564-1593) “Doctor Faustus” is the intense inner conflict experienced by the protagonist, Doctor Faustus. This internal struggle arises [...]
  • Justify Doctor Faustus as an embodiment of the Renaissance spiritJustify Doctor Faustus as an embodiment of the Renaissance spirit.  Or, What are the Renaissance elements you find in Doctor Faustus? The Renaissance (1500-1660)  means "rebirth" in French. It is a period of cultural, artistic, [...]
  • Is Faustus’s damnation justified? Discuss.Is Faustus's damnation justified? Discuss. "Doctor Faustus" (1604) is a masterpiece written by Christopher Marlowe (1564-93) in the late 16th century. It is considered a religious play due to its exploration of themes related to [...]