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Paradise Lost Book 1Notes

  • Describe hell as described in “Paradise Lost.”Describe hell as described in “Paradise Lost.” Or, Give Milton's conception of Hell as you find in 'Paradise Lost.  Or, Give after Milton's 'Paradise Lost,' Book-1, description of Hell.  Or, Give a pen picture of [...]
  • Describe the Building of the Pandemonium, the Capital of HellDescribe the building of the Pandemonium, the capital of Hell.  "Paradise Lost" (1667) is one of the most remarkable epics in the history of English literature. John Milton (1608-1674) is a celebrated English poet. He [...]
  • How Does the Fallen Angel Respond to the Call of Satan?How does the fallen angel respond to the call of Satan? "Paradise Lost" (1667) is an epic by John Milton (1608-1674). Here, the fallen angels respond to the call of Satan with a mixture of [...]
  • Write a Short Note on Beelzebub.Write a short note on Beelzebub.  The word Beelzebub is derived from Hebrew, which means The lord of Flies. The epic poem was written by  In John Milton’s (1608-1674) epic poem “Paradise Lost” (1667), Beelzebub [...]
  • Discuss “Paradise Lost” as an Epic.Discuss “Paradise Lost” as an epic.  Or What qualities of an epic do you find in “Paradise Lost Book-I?”  An epic is a long narrative poem that describes the extraordinary deeds and adventures of heroic [...]
  • Milton’s Use of Similes in “Paradise Lost,” Book 1. Comment on Milton's use of similes in “Paradise Lost,” Book 1.  Or, Write a note on the use of epic similes in “Paradise Lost, Book-1.”  Or, Illustrate the significance of epic similes in “Paradise Lost.”  [...]
  • Discuss Satan as a Renaissance Hero What impression of Satan do you form from your reading Book-1 of “Paradise Lost?”  Or, How does Milton portray Satan's character in Book 1 of “Paradise Lost?”  Or, Do you consider Satan the hero of [...]
  • What is the Impact of the First Speech of Satan to the Fallen Angels? What is the impact of the first speech of Satan to the fallen angels?  Or, Critically analyze the first speech of Satan in Book-l of “Paradise Lost.”  Or, Describe the significance of Satan's first speech [...]