- What Are the Characteristics of an Ideal Tragic Hero?What are the characteristics of an ideal tragic hero? Aristotle (384-322 BC) is the “dean of all literary critics”. In his poetics, he has defined a complete conception of tragedy and an ideal tragic hero[Expand...]
- Describe the Elements of Tragedy in the View of Aristotle. Describe the elements of tragedy in the view of Aristotle. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC) laid out his views on tragedy in his work "Poetics." His insights have influenced literary criticism and understanding[Expand...]
- Why Did Sidney Write “An Apology for Poetry?”Why did Sidney write “An Apology for Poetry?” During the Renaissance (1500-1660), the emotional appeal of literature created a number of poets. Sir Philip Sydney (1554-1586) was a superior one. One of his most famous[Expand...]
- Discuss in Detail Aristotle’s Concept of the Complex PlotDiscuss in detail Aristotle’s concept of the complex plot. Or, Why does Aristotle prefer a complex plot to a simple plot for tragedy? Aristotle (384-322 BC) consulted the guidelines for producing literary works, especially tragedy,[Expand...]
- How does Aristotle compare and contrast tragedy with epic poetry in “Poetics?”How does Aristotle compare and contrast tragedy with epic poetry in “Poetics?” Or, What are Aristotle’s arguments in favor of tragedy over epic poetry? According to Aristotle (384-322 BC), Tragedy and epic are two distinct[Expand...]
- Aristotle’s Definition of TragedyWrite and explain Aristotle’s definition of tragedy. or, Discuss Aristotle’s concept of tragedy. Or, write and enumerate Aristotle’s definition of tragedy. Or, how does Aristotle define tragedy? Do you think his definition still holds good?[Expand...]
- What does Aristotle Say About Three Dramatic Unities?Did Aristotle insist on three unities of drama? Or, What does Aristotle say about three dramatic unities? Or, Did Aristotle insist on three unities of drama? The concept of the "three unities" in drama, articulated[Expand...]