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The Scholar GipsyNotes

  • Arnold’s Theory of Poetry as a Criticism of Life.Discuss Arnold’s theory of poetry as a criticism of life.  or, Arnold’s criticism of life in “The Scholar Gipsy.” Matthew Arnold (1822-88) is a prominent Victorian poet. He believed that poetry should be a "criticism [...]
  • Treatment of Nature in the Poems of Matthew Arnold.Comment on the treatment of nature in the poems of Matthew Arnold. Nature is a recurrent theme in the Victorian poets’ literary work. Matthew Arnold (1822-1888) was a British Victorian poet and cultural critic. His [...]
  • “The Scholar Gipsy” as a Pastoral Elegy.  Discuss “The Scholar Gipsy” as a pastoral elegy.  The pastoral elegy is a poem about both death and idyllic rural life, often featuring shepherds. Matthew Arnold’s (1822-1888) poem "The Scholar Gipsy" (1853) is a pastoral [...]