Topic : Fern Hill

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Fern Hill is a notable literary work by Dylan Thomas. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, to various questions of Fern Hill.

Main text

Fern Hill Dylan Thomas 1914-1953 Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green,      The night above the dingle starry,           Time let me hail and climb      Golden in the heydays of his eyes, And honoured among wagons I was prince of the apple towns And once below a time I lordly had the trees and leaves           Trail with daisies and barley      Down the rivers of the windfall light. And as I was green and carefree, famous among the barns About the happy yard and singing as the [...]

Key info

Fern Hill is a famous nostalgic poem by Dylan Thomas. Look at the key facts of the poem to get a quick conception.

  • Full Title: Fern Hill
  • Writer: Dylan Marlais Thomas (1914-1953)
  • Title of Dylan Thomas: Poet of the Wild Wordplay
  • Genre: Nostalgic and Reflective poem
  • Published Date: First published in Horizon magazine in October 1945, with its first book publication in 1946 as the last poem in Deaths and Entrances.


"Fern Hill" is a poem by the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, first published in 1945. It is a nostalgic and lyrical exploration of childhood, time, and the passage of life. Here is the summary of the poem:

Background of the poem: Fern Hill is a poem by Dylan Thomas. The poem was first published in Horizon magazine in October 1935. Fern Hill was Dylan Thomas' aunty's farm. The poet spent his life in Aunty's house like the "Prince of Apple Town." The central theme of this poem is the joy of a child who loves nature with its innocent beauty, colour and freedom. Now, the poet has grown old and is living with various problems and hardships in life.


"Fern Hill" by Dylan Thomas is a nostalgic and reflective poem that explores several themes, often associated with childhood, memory, time, and the fleeting nature of life. Here are some of the key themes in the poem:

Youth and Innocence

The poem reflects on the joys and innocence of childhood and adolescence, portraying them as a time of carefree happiness and connection with the natural world.


"Fern Hill" is a poem by the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas. Some of the notable characters in the poem are;

The speaker (Dylan Thomas)

The speaker is the poet, reflecting on his past experiences, innocence, and the passage of time.


"Fern Hill" is a poem by the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, written in 1945. It is a nostalgic and reflective poem that explores themes of childhood, time, and the passage of time. Here are some selected quotations, along with explanations.

"Time held me green and dying
Though I sang in my chains like the sea."

Explanation: These opening lines reflect the dual nature of time: its ability to sustain youthful vitality ("green") while also leading toward mortality ("dying"). The comparison to the sea's constant movement and sound emphasizes the speaker's acceptance of this paradox.

"And as I was green and carefree, famous among the barns
About the happy yard and singing as the farm was home..."

Explanation: These lines capture the speaker's nostalgic reflection on their youthful innocence and connection with nature. The farm is depicted as a place of comfort and familiarity.
