At the beginning of the novel, we see that a fire kills three famous...More
Okonkwo is a wealthy and respected warrior of the Umuofia clan, a lower Nigerian...More
This novel can be easily described in 6 stages. After reading these six stages...More
Chapter -1 Tour of the Hatchery and Conditioning Centre: Brave New World starts...More
"The God of Small Things" is a novel written by Indian author Arundhati Roy....More
The novel Tree Without Roots was published in 1948. In this novel, Syed Waliullah...More
We can easily understand this novel The Scarlet Letter in only 9 stages. The...More
The complete summary of this novel is easily discussed in just ten stages. How...More
Day One: Santiago, an old fisherman, has gone 84 days without catching a fish....More
The poem "Punishment" is completely based on assumptions where his assumptions may or may...More
"Seize the Day" by Saul Bellow (1915-2005) is a novella that follows the story...More
"To The Lighthouse" is a novel written by British author Virginia Woolf. It was...More