In this poem, the poet mainly celebrates the farmers with reference to his father....More
In this poem, the poet describes some of the events of his childhood and...More
In Praise of Limestone is a philosophical poem. It elaborates on the intimate existence...More
Musee Des Beaux Arts, it is a French language. It means Museum of Fine...More
Petition is a prayer poem where the poet prays to God. In this poem,...More
In this poem, the soul of the poet tells the poet to climb up...More
Description of Lucy's Location: At the poem's beginning, the poet describes the lifestyle of...More
Enjoying the Natural Beauty and Experiencing the Presence of God: Wordsworth begins the poem...More
In this poem, William Blake alludes to Ascension Day, Holy Thursday. On this day,...More
Background: "Nurse's Song" is a pair of poems by William Blake, one from his...More
At the poem's beginning, the poet describes how he noticed something black colored far...More
"Fra Lippo Lippi" is another notable dramatic monologue by Robert Browning. This poem was...More
Andrea Del Sarto" is a dramatic monologue by Robert Browning. This poem is also...More
The summary is written point-based so that you can understand it easily. Basic Concepts...More
Alfred Lord Tennyson in his poem “The Lotos Eaters” mentioned Homer's epic Odyssey influenced...More