Discuss Wole Soyinka’s Play “The Lion and the Jewel” is About the Victory of Traditional Values over Western ones.

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The Lion and the Jewel is a notable literary work by Wole Soyinka. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of The Lion and the Jewel.


Wole Soyinka’s play “The Lion and the Jewel” is about the victory of traditional values over Western ones. Discuss.

Or, discuss Tradition and Modernity in the play “The Lion and the Jewel.”

It is universal that morning shows the day. In the play “The Lion and The Jewel” (1962), Wole Soyinka (1934-Present) shows how the beginning affects the end through dramatic irony. The audience can feel from the very outset that Sidi will have to submit herself to the village of Bale Baroka. It is known that the lion never misses his target.

Polygamy: The dramatist has vividly sketched the polygamous tradition of African society. Though he wants reform of polygamy, he is simultaneously uncertain and a supporter of this tradition. He creates a Sadiku-like submissive character in the play. Sadiku talks sweetly and convinces Sidi to marry Baroka. She says-

Will you be his sweetest princes, soothing him on weary nights?

Dramatic Irony: The play’s ending transparently exposes dramatic irony since the audience thinks Sidi will return after mocking Baroka’s impotence, but the result is the opposite. Having been raped by the Bale, Sidi returns to Lakunle and declares that all is finished. Lakunle wants to modernize his village. He proposes to Sidi for marriage to apply his modern idea, but his proposal has no respect or love. That is why Sidi rejects Lakunle and adheres to her traditional beliefs. Sidi says-

They will say I was no virgin,

that I was forced to sell my shame 

And marry you without price.

Thus, Sidi’s decision to marry Baroka secures a long-term win for tradition in African society.

Defeat of The Agent of Modernism: Sidi’s decision by the end of the play shows that traditional values defeat modern representatives. Lakunle is overcome with emotion when Sadiku informs him that Sidi is preparing for the wedding. Lakunle is delighted and says he needs a day or two to prepare for a Christian marriage. At this very moment, the musicians appear and inform Lakunle that Sidi has told them to invite him to her wedding, which will be between Sidi and Baroka.

Definition of Manhood: At the drama’s closing, Sidi’s decision to marry Baroka proves the defined manhood in African society. Baroka is the lion of the title that is well matched because of his lion-like nature from two perspectives. At first, he degrades himself as impotent to make a trap for his victim. He declares secretly to Sadiku that he was impotence a week ago. He says-

I have told this to no one but you, who are my eldest,

my most faithful one but if you dare parade my shame before the world…

Then Baroka proved to him that he was still young and prolific, though he is 62. He has a hired wrestler in time to fix a match to show his manhood in front of a young lady. On the other hand, Sidi is only about 18 or 19 years old, and Lakunle is 23 years old. However, Sidi decides to marry Baroka instead of Lakunle.

Lack of Convincing Representatives: Sidi’s decision indicates a lack of perfect agents of modernism. Without a proper delegate and a well-mannered agent, victory is impossible and out of touch. Lakunle is an arrogant man with no manners or psychological exactness at all. From top to bottom, his attitude towards Sidi is disparaging. He says-

A natural feeling, arising out of envy; for as a woman, you have smaller brain than mine. 

Such a superficial man can never win the hearts of human beings. At the end of the play, Sidi’s reaction makes it transparent how imperfect Lakunle is.

In conclusion, the issue of Sidi’s decision to marry Baroka at the edge of the drama is to ensure and secure the victory of traditional values. It also asserts that nobody can compromise with his or her principles.