Tree at My Window : Summary

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Tree at My Window is a notable literary work by Robert Frost. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of Tree at My Window.


Tree At My Window” is a well-known poem by Robert Frost (1874-1963). It was published in the West Running Brook Collection in 1928. In this poem, while expressing his love for nature, the poet has highlighted the relationship between man and nature. He wrote the poem centred on a tree by his window. This tree is very important to him. There are four stanzas in this poem.

At the beginning of the poem, the poet says that there is a tree by his window. He closes the window at night but does not draw the curtains so that he can see the tree. That is, he does not allow any barrier to come between them.

Then, in the second stanza, he reveals these trees are usually very large. It seems that they will rise above the clouds. But they cannot speak like humans. Plants do not have intelligence like humans.

In the third stanza, the poet makes a comparison between a man and a tree. He says the tree next to his window sways when it’s very stormy outside. Strongly bent by the storm as if it would break. Now, the poet talks about himself that even though he sleeps peacefully, there are many lamentations or worries hidden in his mind. Although the poet appears to be carefree, in reality, he is very worried about various things.

In the fourth stanza, the poet makes an important point. A tree only tolerates external stress. But a man has to endure all kinds of external (physical) and mental suffering. This is a big difference between trees and humans.