The Iliad is a notable literary work by Homer. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts,
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What was Hector’s attitude to Paris?
“The Iliad” (762 BCE) is a classic epic by Homer (c. 800 BCE – c. 701 BCE). In “The Iliad”, Hector is Troy’s brave warrior. He shows mixed feelings toward his brother Paris. Hector is frustrated to see Paris’s lack of courage and responsibility, especially regarding the war. Hector’s attitude toward Paris is given below.
Hector Criticizes Paris for Avoiding Battle: Hector is often angry at Paris because Paris does not take his role seriously. Paris caused the war by taking Helen, but he doesn’t fight bravely. Hector criticizes him. Hector says,
You are wrong to sulk…..
Our people are dying . . .
and it is your fault this miserable war.
This shows Hector scolding Paris for avoiding the fight because the war started because of him. He says Paris should stop hiding and fight like everyone else instead of letting others suffer for his mistake.
Hector Wants Paris to Take Responsibility: As a prince, Hector believes that Paris should act with honour and bravery. He says,
You yourself
would tear into anyone else who hung back from the fighting.
Hector’s words reflect his desire for Paris to stand up and take responsibility for the trouble he has caused.
In conclusion, while Hector loves his brother, he is deeply disappointed in Paris’ behaviour. He wishes Paris would be more courageous and fight for the people of Troy instead of hiding from danger. Hector’s hard attitude shows his strong sense of duty and responsibility toward his family and country.