Young Goodman Brown is a notable literary work by Nathaniel Hawthorne. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of Young Goodman Brown.
Where does Young Goodman Brown go wrong?
“Young Goodman Brown” (1835) by Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) tells the story of a man whose choices lead him into deep despair and mistrust. Goodman Brown makes several critical mistakes that ultimately ruin his happiness. The story shows how these wrong choices push him away from love, faith, and peace.
Leaving Faith Alone: The first mistake Goodman Brown makes is leaving his wife, Faith, alone at night. Faith is described as young, sweet, and innocent, with pink ribbons in her hair. She is afraid to be alone. She begs,
Pray tarry with me this night, dear husband.
However, Goodman Brown insists on going into the dark forest. Even though he feels guilty about leaving her, he chooses curiosity over staying with his loving wife.
Trusting the Devilish Stranger: The second mistake is trusting the stranger he meets in the forest. This man resembles the devil and knows much about Goodman Brown’s family and their hidden sins. The stranger proudly claims,
I helped your grandfather… when he lashed the Quaker woman.
After learning that this man represents evil, Goodman Brown still follows him deeper into the woods.
Losing Faith in Everyone: The final mistake is that Goodman Brown loses faith in everyone, including his wife. When he believes that Faith has joined the devil’s ceremony, he cries in despair,
My Faith is gone!
This symbolizes both the loss of his wife and the loss of his spiritual faith. After this night, Goodman Brown becomes a bitter, distrustful man. He cannot see goodness in anyone.
In conclusion, Goodman Brown’s downfall comes from his choices to give in to curiosity, trust in evil, and doubt the people he once loved. Hawthorne’s story teaches us the importance of trusting and loving, even when faced with doubt and temptation.