Medea is a notable literary work by Euripides. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of Medea.
Why did Medea kill her own children?
In Euripides’ (C.480 BC – C.406 BC) play “Medea” (431 BC), Medea kills her own children because she wants to take revenge on her husband, Jason. Jason has betrayed her by marrying another woman, Glauce, the daughter of King Creon. This betrayal deeply hurts Medea. She feels the only way to make Jason suffer is by taking away what he loves most—their children. Here are the main reasons why Medea kills her own children:
Revenge Against Jason: Jason’s betrayal is the main reason for Medea’s killing of her children. Medea had sacrificed everything for him. She leaves her home, betrays her father, kills her brother, and steals Golden Fleece. Medea’s primary motivation is to hurt Jason in the most devastating way possible. By killing their children, she knows she can impose unbearable pain on Jason, who deeply loves them. She says,
I’ve made up my mind, my friends.
I’ll do it—kill my children now, without delay.
Her act of murdering their children is a way of ensuring that Jason’s life is filled with misery and sorrow.
Hopelessness: Medea is completely alone and abandoned in a foreign land. She thinks she has lost everything—her home, her family, and now even her husband. Medea feels that Jason has not only broken his promises but has also dishonoured their marriage. She says,
You’ve broken faith with me.
In her hopeless state, she decides that the only way to regain control over her life is by taking such a tragic step.
Preventing Further Disgrace: Medea takes her revenge on Glauce and Creon. She fears that her children will be treated as outcasts or even killed if they remain alive. To prevent them from being harmed by others, she takes matters into her own hands. She believes that it is better for them to die at the hands of their mother than to suffer worse fates at the hands of their enemies.
Medea’s decision to kill her children is a result of her extreme pain and betrayal. So, she desires to make Jason suffer as much as she does.