Why does Majeed use the mystery of the Mazar to arrange a test for Amena? 

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Tree Without Roots is a notable literary work by Syed Waliullah. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of Tree Without Roots.


Question: Why does Majeed use the mystery of the Mazar to arrange a test for Amena? 

Majeed is the protagonist of the novel “Tree Without Roots.”  He is deeply selfish and only considers his needs and desires. He is willing to sacrifice the happiness of the people of Mahabbatnagar. Again, his selfishness is found in the case of his friend Khaleque for his gain. Amena, a wife of Khaleque, wants to have holy water to conceive. Her belief is revealed in these ways,

 The coming of the pir had filled Amena with new hope. Perhaps he could help her. Why perhaps? She knew he could.

Because of their superstitious beliefs, the villagers respect the pir blindly. Amena, Khaleque’s first wife, was childless. When a new pir came to Awalpur, she wanted to get some water blessed by the pir so that she could conceive. Majeed took this as an insult and as a threat to his existence. So, he decided to punish her. 

He tells Khaleque that she could not conceive because there were coils in her belly. To unwind the coils, Majeed made her keep a whole day’s fast and circle the Mazar without breaking the fast with any food. Amena was so weak that she fainted after circling the mazar four times and a half. Majeed then sowed the seed of suspicion in the mind of Khaleque by telling him that she had fainted not because she was weak but because once she had sinned a great sin. Khaleque believed it and sent her to her father’s home. Thus, because of her superstitious beliefs and fanaticism, Amena had to suffer a lot.