The Lion and the Jewel is a notable literary work by Wole Soyinka. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of The Lion and the Jewel.
On what grounds does Sidi reject Baroka’s marriage proposal in“The Lion and the Jewel”?
Or, why does Sidi reject Baroka’s marriage proposal in “The Lion and the Jewel”?
Wole Soyinka (1934-present) is a famous Nigerian playwright. His most celebrated and phenomenal drama is “The Lion and the Jewel” (1962). In Wole Soyinka’s “The Lion and the Jewel,” Sidi, a village belle, rejects Baroka’s marriage proposal. She rejects his marriage proposal for several reasons:
Desire for Modernity: Sidi is attracted to modernity, which is represented by Lakunle, a schoolteacher. She desires a modern lifestyle. She refuses Baroka’s proposal because she sees him as a relic of the past. As Sadiku comes with the marriage proposal of Baroka, Sidi tells Sadiku,
Tell your lord that I can read his mind,
That I will none of him.
She sees Baroka as a symbol of tradition that conflicts with her aspirations for progress.
Independence and Autonomy: Sidi values her independence. She is not willing to be just one of Baroka’s many wives. She rejects Baroka’s proposal, stating,
Be just, Sadiku
Compare my image and your lord’s
An age of difference!
She refuses to be a mere addition to Baroka’s harem. She desires a more equal and modern relationship.
Perceived Manipulation: Sidi is also mindful of Baroka’s tactics. She suspects his ulterior motives. She feels manipulated when Baroka employs deceitful strategies to win her over. When she discovers his trick, she expresses her anger.
Every woman who has supped with him one night
Becomes his wife or concubine the next.
Assertion of Power and Control: Sidi aims to assert her power and control over her destiny. By rejecting Baroka, she takes a stand for herself and her desires. She wants to be the one making choices about her future. She doesn’t want to succumb to the traditional, patriarchal expectations imposed upon her.
Sidi’s rejection of Baroka’s proposal reflects her yearning for modernity and independence. She expresses her perception of Baroka’s traditional nature. So, at the very outset, Sidi rejects Baroka’s marriage proposal.