Write in Brief About Meursault’s Trial

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The Outsider is a notable literary work by Albert Camus. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of The Outsider.


Write in brief about Meursault’s trial. 

Meursault’s trial in “The Outsider” (1942) is less about the murder. He committed more to society’s judgment of his character and beliefs. The trial reveals how society values conformity and punishes those not adhering to its norms.

The Prosecutor’s Focus: During the trial, the prosecutor focuses not on the crime but on Meursault’s behavior at his mother’s funeral. He argues that Meursault’s lack of emotion, such as not crying at the funeral, proves he is a heartless monster. The prosecutor declares,

When I look into a man’s face … all I see is a monster,

It shifts the focus from the murder of the Arab to Meursault’s indifference. The court is more interested in condemning Meursault for not fitting into social expectations than in determining his guilt for the crime.

The Absurdity of the Trial: The defense tries to argue that Meursault’s actions were accidental, but the prosecutor claims that his failure to show grief for his mother reveals a deeper moral flaw. The trial becomes absurd as it centers on irrelevant details about Meursault’s personal life, such as his relationship with Marie and his decision to send his mother to a care home.

In the end, Meursault is convicted not because he killed a man but because he is seen as a danger to society’s values. Meursault’s trial symbolizes how society oppresses those who reject its standards, making him an outsider in every sense.