Biographia Literaria : Characters

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Biographia Literaria is a notable literary work by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, to various questions of Biographia Literaria.


William Wordsworth: Coleridge’s close friend and fellow poet, William Wordsworth, is a prominent presence in “Biographia Literaria.” Coleridge discusses their poetic collaboration and friendship, as well as engaging in a critique of Wordsworth’s theories, particularly in relation to the plain language and the ordinary in poetry.

Immanuel Kant: The German philosopher Immanuel Kant is a significant influence on Coleridge’s philosophical ideas, particularly in regard to his theories of perception, reason, and the nature of reality. Coleridge engages with Kantian philosophy throughout the work, drawing upon his concepts to develop his own theories on imagination and aesthetics.

Friedrich Schelling: Another German philosopher, Friedrich Schelling, is also referenced in “Biographia Literaria.” Coleridge engages with Schelling’s philosophy, particularly his concept of organic form and its application to the composition of poetry.

Robert Southey: Coleridge’s close friend and fellow poet, Robert Southey, is mentioned in “Biographia Literaria” in relation to their shared experiences and literary pursuits. Southey was part of the literary circle known as the Lake Poets, which included Coleridge and Wordsworth.

Thomas De Quincey: Although not directly depicted, Thomas De Quincey, the English essayist and literary critic, is referenced in “Biographia Literaria.” De Quincey became an admirer of Coleridge’s work and would later write extensively about him.