Literary Movement : Topics

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Features of Metaphysical Poetry? 

Metaphysical Poetry is a unique form of 17th-century poetry that explores deep ideas in creative ways. John Donne (1571-1631) is the pioneer...Continue

Short Note on Puritanism

Puritanism was a religious movement that began in the late 16th century in England. The Puritans wanted to "purify" the Church of...Continue

Short Note on Stream of Consciousness.

Stream of Consciousness is a way of writing that shows a character's inner thoughts and feelings. It tries to show how the...Continue

Short Note on Absurd Drama

Absurd Drama is a type of drama that became popular in the mid-20th century. The word "absurd" refers to the strange and...Continue

Short note on the Oxford Movement

The Oxford Movement was a religious movement that began at Oxford University in 1833. It started after John Keble gave an important...Continue

Which period is Called The Romantic Revival and why?

The period of English Literature between 1785 and 1830, or the Romantic Period (1798 - 1832), is called the "Romantic Revival." This...Continue

Short Note Hellenism

"Hellenism" refers to Greek art, culture, literature, Greek spirit, and the way of Greek life. To put it differently, "Hellenism" usually stands...Continue

Short Note on Pantheism

Developing in the 18th century, Pantheism believes that God and the Universe are the same thing. This philosophical term is derived from...Continue

Short Note on Negative Capability

John Keats (1795-1821), a well-known Romantic literary poet, coined the term "Negative Capability" in a letter to his brothers, George and Tom,...Continue

Short note on Lyrical Ballads.

Lyrical Ballads is a groundbreaking poetry collection published in 1798 jointly by the two romantic rebel poets William Wordsworth (1770-1850) and Samuel...Continue

Write a Short Note on University Wits.

The term 'University Wits' is applied to a group of English Scholars who flourished in the Elizabethan age (1558-1603) under the influence...Continue

Write a Note on Cavalier Poets.

The term “Cavalier Poets” describes a school of English poets of the 17th century. They supported King Charles I during the English...Continue

Short Note on Reformation

The Reformation was a major change in religious and cultural life during the 16th century. It was a time when people challenged...Continue

Write a short note on the Black Death.

The Black Death, also known as the bubonic plague, was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history. It was a devastating...Continue

Short Note on the Hundred Years’ War

The Hundred Years’ War was a series of conflicts between England and France that lasted from 1337 to 1453. It was not...Continue

Influence of the French Revolution on Romantic Poets

The French Revolution started in 1789 and was about freedom and equality. People wanted to end the rule of kings and nobles...Continue

Who are the Metaphysical Poets? Evaluate their contribution to English literature. 

The metaphysical poets were a group of 17th-century English writers known for their complex and intellectual style. Elaborate metaphors, unusual comparisons, and...Continue

How are Romanticism and Transcendentalism Connected

Romanticism and Transcendentalism are connected through their intercommunicated focus on individualism and exploring the natural world. In the 19th century, both movements...Continue