Doctor Faustus : Summary

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Doctor Faustus is a notable literary work by Christopher Marlowe. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of Doctor Faustus.


Dr. Faustus is a tragedy play by Christopher Marlowe. The play depicts the tragic fate of the main character, Dr. Faustus. [The Summary is written in points based to help you remember easily]

  1. Faustus learns sorcery and surrenders to Satan
  2. Misuse of witchcraft
  3. The tragic fate of Faustus

Faustus learns sorcery and surrenders to Satan: Dr. Faustus is a highly educated and respected man from Germany. He is extremely knowledge-hungry. From the beginning of the play, it can be seen that he wants to gain knowledge in all worldly matters. First, he studied logic, then medicine, law, and theology one by one. But still, his thirst is not quenched. He wants to go above and beyond and learn more. He then decides to learn magic under the guidance of his two friends, Valdes and Cornelius. In this situation, Good Angel and Bad Angel appear before him and explain to him the pros and cons of witchcraft. The Good Angel advises him to study the Bible. Bad Angel on the other hand asks him to stick to his decision to fulfill his wish i.e. learn magic. He ignores the Good Angel and accepts the Bad Angel’s advice. The Good Angel and Bad Angel are also representations of Faustus’s conscience and conflicted mind.

Faustus then learns some magic knowledge from a book of magic, and through it, he introduces Mephistopheles. Mephistopheles appears and asks the reason for calling him. Then Faustus says that he wants to have infinite power. Upon learning this, Mephistopheles warns him of the dire consequences of this sorcery. But Faustus does not back down. Instead, knowing everything, he takes refuge in Satan’s leader, Lucifer. Mephistopheles then declares that he will serve Faustus as long as he lives. But in order to get this loyalty, Faustus has to accept one condition. Under that condition, Faustus must surrender his soul to Satan, and in return, Mephistopheles will serve Faustus for 24 years. But when this contract expires Faustus will meet a horrific and gruesome death. Doctor Faustus hesitates at first but becomes so eager to learn magic that he agrees to Mephistopheles’ terms.

According to the agreement, first Dr. Faustus will join Satan’s group and rebel against the Gods. Second, Mephistopheles will always obey Faustus. Third, Faustus will be given whatever he wants. Fourth, Mephistopheles will always be invisible in Faustus’ room. Finally, Mephistopheles appears before Faustus when he wishes. The term also states that after 24 years Satan will take over both his soul and body.

However, Faustus signs the contract without giving it a second thought. Although he feels a little frightened, he does not hesitate when Mephistopheles presents him with a book of magic. Then Faustus asks Mephistopheles various questions and he answers them all. He cannot answer only one, and that is who created the universe. At this stage, he hesitates again. And then Mephistopheles and Lucifer present him with a show of the Seven Deadly Sins. These are pride, lust, anger, envy, gluttony, sloth, and greed.


Misuse of Witchcraft: Faustus then begins to abuse his magic. He sets out on a journey with Mephistopheles. First, they go to a church in Rome. Arriving there, with the help of Mephistopheles, he begins to joke with the clergy and annoy everyone present in various ways. From there he travels to various royal houses in Europe. At one point, he is invited to the German royal court. King Charles V expresses his interest in seeing magic. He wants to see Alexander, the greatest ruler of the world. At his will, Faustus displays Alexander’s image. He becomes happy with it.  

In another case, Faustus jokes with a businessman. Faustus sold a horse to the merchant. He warned him not to let the horse fall into the water. But the merchant did not listen to his words and let the horse into the water and immediately it disappeared. Then the merchant comes to Faustus and asks him to return his money. But he sends her away with the help of magic without returning the money.

Already, Faustus’s name for magic has spread far and wide. One day the King of Vanholt invites him to a meeting to perform magic. When he goes there, he sees the businessman. Afraid of discrediting his name, he makes the merchant dumb with his magic, so that he cannot tell anyone of Faustus’s exploits. Then the queen asks him to present grapes. But it is January and grapes are rare at that time of the year. But Faustus makes the impossible possible with his magic. Both the king and queen become happy.

Then some scholars ask Faustus to bring Helen (the most beautiful woman in the world) with the help of magic. Faustus does so and is greatly respected.


The tragic fate of Faustus: Suddenly Faustus hears an old man cursing him. The old man says that Faustus will never receive the grace of Jesus Christ because of the number of sins he has committed. After hearing this, Faustus becomes distraught and thinks about how badly he has done. He felt remorse. But Mephistopheles soon begins to teach him about the pleasures of evil deeds. Faustus continues to feel very uncomfortable and says that only Helen’s presence can calm him. Mephistopheles then presents Helen and Faustus fulfills his mischievous desire by kissing her.

Meanwhile, Faustus’ contract expires. At the last moment, he realizes how many sins he has committed in this life. Thinking of this, he breaks down. Faustus’ friend tells him to pray to Jesus. By then he has lost that power too. He becomes overwhelmed with the fear of death. Just before his death, he begs God for forgiveness but by then it was too late. Satan’s followers come and take his soul out of his body and into hell. And thus ends his cursed life.